Quick Transmigration Counterattack: Mysterious Boss, Don’t Tease

Chapter 2011: Family has evil mother-in-law 37

Chapter 2011 has a mother-in-law 37

Allowing Fu Yibo to say it outside, Bei Yuxi completely shielded him and ignored it.

After paying for a while outside the door, Fu Yibo finally saw it. She was really discouraged and would not care about him.

Lin is very distressed by his son, and he is more and more annoying to the North Rain.

When the son said that he wanted to marry the woman, she opposed it.

She always feels that the rich family is definitely not good to deal with. When she marries them to pay for the family, if she rides on her head, it is not bad.

Now, like this, what she worried about will definitely happen.

"Boer, don't stand outside, your daughter-in-law is a woman who is heart-wrenching. I said at the beginning that this kind of wealthy rich family can't be shackled, and when you come back, you have to be the ancestors, you see, is it right? Let me be right."

Lin kept talking in his ear, and he had a headache.

"Mother, don't say it." Fu Yibo interrupted her embarrassment.

Lin was so fierce by his son that he suddenly died down.

She saw her son's face was not good, and said carefully: "Boer, go back to sleep early. After a few days, she is mad, just fine."

Fu Yibo stood up and walked toward the original bedroom.

After Lin saw him in, he turned back to his house, but before returning to the house, he glanced at the house in the north rain.

Sleep well all night, sleep until you wake up naturally. The northern rain 棠 棠 棠 棠 棠 棠 棠 棠 棠 棠 棠 棠 棠 棠 棠 棠 棠 棠 棠 棠 棠 棠 棠 棠 棠 棠 棠 棠 棠 棠 棠 棠 棠 棠 棠 棠

When I had breakfast in the morning, Fu Yibo used to look at her with that kind of resentful eyes, but was directly immunized by Bei Yu.

Paying a few words to stop and say a few times, several times want to open the mouth was cleverly blocked by the north rain.

By the time he left, he could not do so.

After the two people's brewing and spreading, they were once again passed to the academy. Therefore, when they paid for a trip to the academy, they once again welcomed the strange eyes of everyone.

After the last experience, Fu Yibo directly pulled Lei Shaohai into the corner to ask about the situation.

"What happened again this time?" Fu Yibo asked with some tiredness.

Lei Shaohai saw him like this, it seems that he still does not know.

He did not rush to say, but asked: "I will ask you one thing, you answer me honestly."

Fu Yibo saw his face solemn, his brows subconsciously wrinkled, "What?"

"Don't ruin Wang Xiucai's thing, is your wife doing it or you?" After Lei Shaohai asked, his eyes fixed on him.

"Less sea, what do you mean? Don't you believe me?" Fu Yibo asked.

Lei Shaohai said busyly: "You don't misunderstand, I just ask. Is that really what your wife said?"

Of course, it is impossible to admit that it is not. If it is not, the rumors of the outside world during this time are not to beat his mouth.

"The insider does not intend to do it, she is also unintentional." Fu Yibo is a difficult look.

Lei Shaohai saw him doing this, and he already understood it.

"How come you suddenly asked about this?" asked Fu Zhibo.

"Oh, it's okay. Just seeing the fierce people outside, I heard you talk about the scorpion's temper, not like the rumored person, so I want to confirm." Lei Shaohai did not tell the truth.

"It turns out that." Fu Yibo nodded. "You are faster than me, what happened outside?"

(End of this chapter)

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