Quick Transmigration Counterattack: Mysterious Boss, Don’t Tease

Chapter 2018: Family has evil mother-in-law 44

Chapter 2018, Family has a mother-in-law 44

"Thank you."

Waiting is long, and Bei Yuyu feels anxious and anxious.

Just a few breaths of time made her feel like she had been a century old.

The voice of the voice rang from her ear.

[According to the news I got from the headquarters, the scum system will conduct a full-scale investigation. After the investigation is over, the bug will be fixed. Judging from the number of scum systems, the fastest time is expected to be half a month later. 】

"After half a month? Is it the time in the real world or the time in the mission world?" North Rain asked quickly.

[Is this different? 】


【real world. 】

"Thank you."

[Host, patching bugs is a good thing, to avoid your impact on task progress and completion due to bugs. 】 The old **** is saying something.

There was a bitter smile on the lips of the north rain.

For others, maybe, but for her, it’s like a blue sky.

She kept telling herself in the bottom of her heart that perhaps he was not the bug, and the only situation that happened was just a coincidence. However, in the days that followed, his memory disappeared again, and this time disappeared longer than the previous one.

There is a sense of urgency in the heart of Bei Yu, and she urgently needs to complete the task as soon as possible, return to the real world, and write all about her and his memories.

She didn't want to forget everything about him.

Without memory, she wants to save everything about him in her own way.

Miss Hongmei sees her heart for a few days, and her heart is very worried. This way, she fell in the eyes of a few of them, like Hongmei and Wang Hao, just because Miss Zhang is coming, and Lin’s attitude, the blind man can see the purpose.

Green Lotus said to the side: "Miss, you don't have to worry, Miss Miss, she can't press on your head."

Hongmei kicked her and whispered, "You will not speak."

Hongmei comforted: "Miss, if you don't have your consent, even if the old lady wants it, it is not that easy."

When the northern rains lifted up, I saw two worried faces. She showed a bitter smile, but did not explain their misunderstanding.

"You don't have to worry."

The next day, a woman knocked the door with a parcel. After hearing the voice, Liu Wei opened the courtyard door and saw a pretty young woman standing outside the door.

"Excuse me, are you?" Liu Wei carefully looked at the people in front of him.

Qin Shishi looked puzzled at the woman in front of her eyes and carefully asked: "I am looking for my mother Lin, but here is the family?"

Qin Shishi did not recognize Liu Wei, and his heart was suspicious.

She remembered that this family was a mother-in-law, but this person was not a mother-in-law and she was not a newly-married woman. Instead, she was a little scared if she had moved out of her place.

Liu Li immediately knew the identity of the person in front of him, and his face was very cold. "Are you a Miss Miss?"

Qin Shishi glared at her cold face and nodded awkwardly. "Yes."

"Come in." Liu Wei let the road open and let her enter the yard.

As soon as he entered the yard, Qin Shishi was amazed when he saw that the original courtyard had changed. She had already heard that her cousin had married a rich family and wanted to come to the rich family.

When Lin, who was staying in the hall, heard the movement, he saw Qin Shishi enter the house, his eyes suddenly brightened, and he rushed forward. The relatives grasped her hand and smiled and said: "Hey, I I hope that you can give it to you."

(End of this chapter)

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