Quick Transmigration Counterattack: Mysterious Boss, Don’t Tease

Chapter 2020: Family has evil mother-in-law 46

Chapter 2020 has a mother-in-law 46

In the evening, when Fu Yibo returned home, after seeing Qin Shishi, the face of the haze was a little better, and there were some smiles on his face.

Qin Shishi looked at the handsome and handsome man in front of him, and the love in the middle of it couldn’t be concealed. She shouted with joy: "One blogger."

"The poetry is coming." Fu Yibo looked at the warm and tender cousin in front of him, and noticed the love in her eyes at a glance, and the lips did not feel up.

"My cousin has been studying in the academy for a day. It is very hard. You have a cup of tea and moisturize your throat." Qin Shishi handed the tea to him.

When Fu Yibo took the cup from her hand, she touched the back of her hand, causing her face to turn red, hurriedly retracting her hand, and shyly hid to Lin's side.

Fu Yibo saw her charming and pleasing appearance, and was tickled in the heart. Because of the wide publicity, she did not dare to make extraordinary moves.

Lin's interaction with his son and Qin Shishi, the smile of the eyes is called strong.

The northern rains are like not seeing the small interaction between them, and they look as usual.

It was the red Mei and others who saw the poems of Qin Shishi and the look of the woman who looked at the woman, which made them feel resentful and felt worthless for the lady.

After marrying the lady to pay the family, Lin’s face-to-face with the lady’s face, even if the grandfather saw it, he did not care. After that, he did the same thing, ruined the reputation of the lady, and lingered the brothel at night. What it was before.

Now, when Miss Zhang is here, she dares to flirt with such arrogance in front of her face, completely disregarding the face of Miss.

After dinner, I had a good dinner, and Green Lotus and Hongmei helped the lady to go to the house.

Back in the room, the north rain sees the green lotus, the words and the end, and finally can not help but ask: "If you want to say anything, let me say. You look at the whole night, if not again Let you open your mouth, I am afraid that you will be ruined."

Miss Greenhau sees this time and has a heart to tease herself, and she screams, "Miss, this time, why don't you worry about it at this time. Now Miss Miss is coming, looking at her grandfather, if the old lady wants to bring her up. Open your face, my grandfather will agree."

"Miss, you are soft with your aunt. This way, no matter whether it is the little goblin outside or the little goblin in the house, there is no place to stand."

Green Lotus never knew that Miss was actually so angry with her aunt.

I still thought that the lady was angry for a while, and it would be good to wait for the gas to disappear. I know that there is no good sign at all.

Miss did not care, even the aunt did not care, but let her rush in my heart.

Green Hola on the red plum, "Red Plum, you also help me to persuade the lady."

Hongmei sighed. "Miss has her own ideas, so don't worry about it."

This girl has not seen it until now. Miss does not like her grandfather. Even she can feel that Miss has a disgust with her grandfather.

"Where am I arrogant, now the little goblins are in the room, let's not do anything, but the young lady who lost her time." Green Lotus frowned and dissatisfied.

The northern rain licks the nose of the green lotus head. "You don't think so much about this girl. Your lady misses everything, and she doesn't suffer."

"But..." Green Lotus still wants to say something, but was interrupted by the North Rain.

(End of this chapter)

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