Chapter 2026, Family has a mother-in-law 52

There is no reply to paying a blog.

Qin Shishi’s expression of Lin’s expression of paying for a blog, probably guessed. They must have asked, but in the end they did not get any benefit.

Qin Shi's poetry is full of thoughts. During this period of time, she has carefully observed the economic situation of Beiyuyu and knows that her dowry is expensive. If she does not get her dowry out, paying home is also a poor two white family.

Qin Shishi sighed with a sigh of relief. "Hey, I just sigh that I don't have money from my sister. I can't help my cousin. There are several shops in the North sister's name. Some silver is leaking from her hands. It took time."

"Oh, don't mention it. The woman is stingy, and her dowry is sturdy, and a penny is not allowed to leak out. We can't give up that face and ask her to take it." Lin said with anger. .

"Northern sister is the one who pays for the family. Her things are naturally also paid for. Where is there any dowry? Where does the aunt go to take those things, why not?"

This reason is entirely about the heart of Lin and Fu Yibo, and she thinks that she is right. The northern rain is the wife of the family, and her things are not the ones.

A few people completely forgot that the woman’s dowry is owned by the woman, and the husband’s family and husband are completely untreated. Unfortunately, several people are selectively forgetting, only remembering that they are powerful.

"She stayed in that room all day, and I have any way to get it. If she asked her to grab it, the sorrows and the women around her wouldn't be irritating." Lin will talk about his concerns.

Qin Shishi’s eyes turned, "this is not difficult."

Lin quickly asked: "What good attention do you have?"

"Let's do it. I will invite the North Sister to go to the Guanyin Temple in the suburbs tomorrow. I will go to the court to ask for help. I want to come to the North Sister and I will not agree. When she is, let her bring her and her daughter. One person, you go to her room to take something, wait for things to come to your hands, she does not dare." Qin Shishi will calculate in the bottom of his heart, Fu Yibo and Lin's eyes are bright.

"What if she gets into trouble?" Lin asked again.

Qin Shishi smiled softly and said slowly: "Northern sister really wants to make trouble, and that is why she doesn't know how to be good. Auntie, at that time, she only said to people, that is what she gave you, but now it is repenting. Outsiders are not Dudao North sister filial piety, this is not her filial piety. If she wants to take it back, it can also let outsiders know her true face. This is a situation of two things."

"If she doesn't make trouble, that's okay. If it's a trouble, it's a good thing for you."

After listening to Lin, he nodded, and took her hand, and patted it. "Poetry, you are still smart in your head, and you think of it all at once. How can I look at it?" Can't clean her up."

Qin Shishi said in a delicate way: "It is a blessing for poetry and poetry to solve problems for the aunt. As long as the aunt does not disappoint me, I will be awkward."

"How can you dislike you, like you are too late." Lin smiled and looked at Qin Shishi's eyes, the more he liked it.

Lin pushed Qin Shishi to his son's side. "A blog, you can treat poetry poetry well in the future. If you fail her, I can't spare you."

(End of this chapter)

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