Chapter 2041 has a mother-in-law 67

"Go away tomorrow." North Rain has long been planning, and they will let them agree to leave.

She originally thought about the many expenses of the meeting. I did not expect that it would be surprising to leave so easily under the three words of Qin Shishi. It’s not foolish to think that she is kind enough to help her.

Qin Shishi is a typical unprofitable early, and it must be her departure, which is beneficial to her, will promote this.

No matter what she is paying attention to, she will not be able to stop her from going to Yunzhou.

The northern rain smashed all the valuable things, and they were exposed by Wang Hao, leaving only some jewelry in their houses. This time, Beiyuyu brought two scorpions, red plum and green lotus, and Qian Zhiliu.

When I arrived at the foot of the temple, the northern rain made the red plums look like themselves, and the green lotus took care of them. Bei Yu and Qian Zhiliu are heading towards Yunzhou.

"Miss, let the slaves follow." Red plum is not at ease.

"No, this scene must be done by the two of you. It is the best help for you to stay here. I will come back with Zhiliu and you will not have to worry too much."

In the end, Hongmei and Green Lotus stayed in the temple, while Beiyuyu and Qianzhiliu went to Yunzhou.

It takes about four or five hours to go to Yunzhou Prefecture from their county seat. When they arrive at Yunzhou, the sky is already dark. Bei Yu and Qian Zhiliu went to a hotel and stayed first.

The next day, the northern rain slammed the door of Qian Zhiliu.

"Yu Yujie, are you?" Qian Zhiliu is going to look for her. Which North sister is coming first, but her men's clothes are so scary.

Bei Yuyu looked at her dress and dropped the parcel she had brought in her hand to the table. "Change this suit and go out."

Qian Zhiliu suspiciously opened the parcel. When he saw the men's clothing inside, he looked at her strangely. "Sister, this set is the clothes worn by men."

"Yes, it is the clothes that men want to wear. If the two of us walk around the street like this, if it is unfortunate that people who know us will see trouble, it is safer for us and convenient for us. Act here."

Qian Zhiliu nodded and said that he understood.

After she changed it, Bei Yulu put a moustache on her face, and also posted it to herself, smearing the skin of both of them into a dark yellow, and when everything was done, Qian Zhiliu looked The self in the mirror is like changing a person.

"Yu Yujie, you are really amazing."

"Okay, now we can go out."

The two ate at breakfast on the side of the road and then swayed toward the vicinity of the Prefecture. Bei Yu Yan looked around the Zhizhou government and saw a tea house at the corner.

"Man, come to a pot of tea and then a few more snacks."

After waiting for the store to send things up, Qian Zhiliu whispered: "Yu Yujie, what should we do now?"

"Drink tea, chat."

Qian Zhiliu frowned, and some anxiously asked: "I, we are sitting like this, don't do something?"

"I can't eat hot tofu. Drink it." Bei Yuxi gave her a cup of tea and handed it to her.

Qian Zhiliu has no choice but to drink tea.

For three days, they all came here to drink tea, but they were familiar with the buddies and shopkeepers in the store.

(End of this chapter)

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