Chapter 2054 has a mother-in-law 80

Since there was a goal, Xiefu began to act, but this thing was quietly done, without disturbing anyone.

The northern rain has been suffocating in the house for two days. When she received the information from the outside of the house, she felt that the timing was almost the same.

On the third day, when Mrs. Xie came to visit, Bei Yu met her.

Mrs. Xie came together for a few days. The first two days of the Qing Dynasty were closed. The meeting was met today, but it was inevitable that Mrs. Xie’s heart was in doubt.

"The road is long, but is there something to say to me?" Mrs. Xie is a transparent person, and she points out when she opens her mouth.

The Northern Rains nodded. "Exactly. Today, I have counted the things that you have searched for these two days. You are looking for someone, I am afraid that they are no longer alive."

"Ah?!" Mrs. Xie stunned.

"Dao, what do you mean?" Mrs. Xie already understood, but the heart was unwilling to believe.

"Madam, look southeast, I will understand what I mean."

After Mrs. Xie came out of her, she went directly to Xie Daren and relayed the words of Bei Yuqi to him. After Xie Daren heard it, he showed his thoughts and soon he noticed.

"Since the leader of the road figured out, he could just go and see if he said what he said." Xie Daren is holding a dubious attitude towards the true ability of the Shangqing real person who stirred the Yunzhou government.

Xie Daren soon went to life and looked for it in the direction of Bei Yuyu. It turned out to be a result soon.

"Adult, find the woman you said."

When Xie Daren listened, he asked: "Fast, talk to the official."

The catching head did not dare to delay, and began to tell the situation of the Qian family.

"The money family suddenly had a big fire a year ago. The husband and wife and their youngest sons all burned to death. Only the eldest daughter Qian Zhiliu lived alone. The village saw her unknown and drove her out of the village. Then that The girl’s whereabouts are unknown, and life and death are unknown.”

When Xie Daren heard this, his brows were tightly wrinkled. "How about Qian Zhiliu’s age, can he have a portrait?"

"The girl, who had inquired about it, was born in August. It was said that the couple had given birth to her from the back of her family. Her name was taken by an official. As for the portrait, it belongs. Didn't get it."

After Xie Daren swept him back, hiding behind the screen, Mrs. Xie came out.

"I can't go wrong, it's the family."

Xie Daren also had doubts about the real people in the Qing Dynasty. Now, after this incident, he has changed his opinion on the real people in the Qing Dynasty.

"The child must be our daughter. You must find the daughter of our family."

Xie Daren did not believe it. At this time, he already believed a few points in his heart, but before he had any conclusive evidence, he would not break the conclusion.

"The lady is in a hurry, there is no evidence that the child is our daughter."

Mrs. Xie is not so worried, she feels that the previous suspicions, coupled with this one after another, let her more and more determine their previous ideas.

"How come you don't believe it now. The real people in the Qing Dynasty have said that they are not our daughters. You have seen the real people of the Qing Dynasty. His words are certainly not wrong." Mrs. Xie said with some anger: "You Do you not want to recognize your daughter?"

"Madam, how can you think so. Dear children, we have been raising them for so many years, and things must be clarified. If the nephew is really our daughter, then it is not harmful to her."

(End of this chapter)

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