Quick Transmigration Counterattack: Mysterious Boss, Don’t Tease

Chapter 2066: Family has evil mother-in-law 92

Chapter 2066, Family has a mother-in-law 92

"What do you say?!" The gangster smiled with a wicked head.

Qin Shishi looked at them in horror, and both eyes turned and fainted.

On the other side, the north rainy, their group of people rushed to the town, but just left for a while, there was a group of gangsters in front.

When Bei Yuxi saw this group of people, they knew that they were the gangsters of Qin Shishi.

The two drivers who drove the car were not good when they saw the group of people who appeared in front.

How can I be so unlucky today? I met two gangsters before and after.

When they don’t know how to be good, they hear Bei Yuyu say: “Go straight ahead.”

"Do you do this?"

"It doesn't work. We don't have any money on it. If they start to smash, our little life will be gone. It's better to let go and go straight."

These people are not real gangsters, and they dare not fight with their lives.

The two coaches felt that he was right. When they approached, the other's head was preparing to open, and they saw that the two carriages did not slow down, but rushed toward them.

This, is this crazy? !

"You stop us and hear no, stop now." The leader shouted.

When Fu Yibo heard the familiar voice, he couldn't help but open the curtain, and he saw the person standing at the forefront, the land where they first came to the door.


Fu Yibo’s face suddenly changed.

The people they arranged were here, so the group that just appeared, isn’t it...

The carriages rushed toward them, and they looked at it. The people dared to touch it hard. Naturally, they let the road open and watched the carriage go.

Bei Yuxi saw Fu Yibo’s look as if he was gray, and he asked with concern: “What happened? But the body is not feeling well?”

Paying a pair of glasses on her eyes, he did not dare to look at it and directly blinked.

"No, nothing."

Cousin, his cousin.

Fu Yibo is heartbroken and feels distressed about what he will face after his cousin.

When they returned to the house, Lin’s face looked excited and when he saw the northern rain on the carriage, the smile on his face suddenly froze.

Bei Yuyu smiled and looked at her. "Mother, how do you seem to be not happy, I am coming back."

The neighbors were watching, and Lin was busy hanging an eager smile. "Why are you saying this, how can I be upset?"

Seeing that people are coming down, they have not seen Qin Shishi.

"Yi Bo, what about your cousin?" Lin asked.

Bei Yuyi grasped Lin’s hand and his eyes were red. “My mother-in-law, we met a robber on the road. The poetry cousin was stolen by the robbers.”

The voice of this voice, Bei Yuxi did not whisper, the surrounding neighbors can hear clearly.

"Scorpio, was taken away by the robbers."

"The girl will be finished in this life."

"It's pathetic."

"That's a good girl, so I was robbed by the robbers."


The neighbors around me suddenly talked about it.

Lin only felt that the five thunders were on the spot. Originally, they set a good word, the person who was robbed by the robbers was Bei Yu, how did it become a poem of Qin poetry.

She knows that the robbers are their own people, and they are not worried about her safety. It is only this **** woman who speaks in front of so many people, and the reputation of poetry can be finished.

Lin thought about saving the reputation of Qin Shishi, and was busy with the eyes of the north rain. "You made a mistake, should poetry be back to the family?"

(End of this chapter)

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