Chapter 2075 Real World 4

[叮, 叮, cleared. 】

When the four words sounded, the pain in the head disappeared like a tide.

The north rain smashed and stunned.

Nowhere, a transparent figure floated in the air, watching the little ink and musk in the room hurriedly moved the northern rain to the room.

He can only help them so much, and see their own creation.

I saw his slender fingertips, flying a little red light, and the red light flew directly into the eyebrows of Beiyuyu, and disappeared instantly.

Xiao Moer checked the body for the Northern Rain, unless the body was weak and tired, and there were no other signs. He did not believe in evil, and repeated it several times, and the conclusion reached was the same.

"Little boy, how?"

Xiao Moer shook his head with some defeat.

Why is this so, the mother is so painful, why he can't find anything.

It must be something that I have missed.

Musk saw the kid ink and began to check again and again. Unfortunately, the results are still the same.

Xiaomo is not discouraged, and she lives in the bookstore to buy some books on intractable diseases. Muxiang immediately took the lead, and she had just left her forefoot, and her foot was awakened by the rain.

When Xiaomoer saw her mother, she woke up, her eyes lit up and she asked excitedly: "Mother."

Bei Yuyu only felt that he had slept, and the whole body became a lot easier. When he heard the nervous and worried voice of Xiao Moer, his brow wrinkled slightly. "What happened? But what happened?"

Xiaomoer looked at her with amazement. "Mother, can you still feel comfortable?"

“Is not comfortable?” North Rain frowned. “I am fine.”

This is the next round of Xiao Moer's confusion, and she is so painful that she is so stunned. Now she is not feeling the same, but she seems to have forgotten what happened.

"Mother, can you still remember what happened?" Xiao Moer asked tentatively.

"It's not just painting in the study." Bei Yuyu naturally remembers that he is painting, but when he says this, when he sees where he is now, he looks a little stunned and notices something wrong.

"I am this..."

When Fang Cai Niang was painting, she had a splitting headache in the middle, and then the whole person was sorely fainted. Moh and Xiangxiang sister sent the mother back to the room. Xu was too painful before, let the mother forget This memory." Xiao Moer 揣 揣.

"Make it so. Moh, mother-in-law for a while."

"Mother, let's rest. The baby is watching you next to you." Xiaomo was not at ease, insisting on the bed.

The northern rain licked his face and closed his eyes.

"Ming, what happened just now?"

[Recently the system headquarters is inspecting, and it happened to be yours today. 】

"How come I have no influence at all?" Bei Yuyu frowned, and always felt that something was missing.

[This is a random check, this system is also known today. 】

"what to check for?"

[Check if the host's indicators are normal, there is no loss to the host, the only drawback is that there will be a little pain. 】

"A little pain?" North Rain slammed his eyes in silence, and all of them fainted and passed away. It was a bit of pain, and it was a blink of an eye.

After asking about the situation, Beiyuyu knew that his body had nothing to do, and he was relieved.

Ps: Four more... It was originally intended to be updated tomorrow, but I saw that there was a little cute worry. After the ink broke, I will not update it in the next few days. So, update it early and let everyone relax.

Ink went to the next plane, this plane world is guaranteed to be wonderful, you can't think of it, hahahaha...

(End of this chapter)

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