Chapter 2079 Real World 8

"Let the rain pavilion shoot out, Ray's side does not need to move for the time being." Lei Yu sighed.

Just the big emperor let the Lai Shi business line to help Gu Shi, if it is now in the blink of an eye, the whole business will make the big emperor not come to Taiwan. Lei Yuzhen naturally won't do this.

Lei's business is not convenient to shoot, but other businesses can.

It is just that Yuge has no relationship with their Lei's business, so that the people of Yuge have come out to deal with Gu's foot.

Since Gu Shi wants to take root in the Great Zhou Dynasty, look at whether they have the roots.

Lei Qi should say: "Yes."

After Lei Qi left, Lei Yuqi glanced at the two portraits, and the more they saw, the more spicy they were.

"Take away." Lei Yuqi waved.

When the prostitute was preparing to put it away, she heard Lei Yu shouting, "Wait."

Lei Yuzhen took the portrait of the beautiful woman from the hands of the prostitute, and her eyes were fixed on her. This woman was a bit familiar, as if she had seen it.

Lei Yu 霆 left thinking and thinking, he did not hear where he saw it.

I can't think of it, but I didn't think about it anymore. I waved my hand and let the slaves take it away.


"What do you say?!" A cold voice came from a beautiful yard.

In the face of Gu Ruran's anger, Gu Qing is also a helpless face. Where does he know how Yuge suddenly shot them and blocked several of their business. Many people clearly talked about it, but they temporarily repented.

"Who is the other person?" Gu Ruran asked.

"It’s raining."

"Yuge? What is the head?" Gu Yuran's brow tightened.

"Yuge is not a commercial bank, but a river and lake organization, but it has a lot of industries under its name. Our Gu's industry is not in conflict with them, but recently they don't know what happened, they began to infiltrate us. The industry chain. I don't know if they are deliberately targeting our Gu, or just the overlap between the industries they are preparing to expand."

"Whether they are deliberately targeting or other reasons, since we dare to grab cakes from our Gus, it is our enemy." Gu Yuran said quietly.

Gu Qing said: "Missy, you let the great emperor come forward, and the people in the rain pavilion will not dare to confront us again."

"No." Gu Ruran refused directly without thinking. "This little thing will bother him. What do you want?"

Gu Ruran knows that Hua Feiyu likes herself, but she does not want to rely on men.

If you have been relying on them for a long time, your feelings for each other are not good.

"Ree's business is the emperor of the Great Zhou Dynasty. It is most suitable for him to come out." Gu Ruran has the idea under his heart, "I will go to the head of Lei's firm tomorrow, you are keeping an eye on other businesses, don't want to Let the people in the rain pavilion succeed."

"Yes, Missy."

The next day, after Gu Yanran was dressed up, he drove to the Tangquan Villa where Lei Yuxi was located. The coachman handed in the post. After a long time, the housekeeper came out to meet.

"Miss Gu, I am really sorry. I was just dealing with things, I was not able to come out in time, I hope you don't mind." The housekeeper said with an apology.

Gu Ruran smiled a little, "No problem. I don't know if Lei Gongzi can be in the house?"

"Miss Gu, it’s a coincidence that the young master has already gone out."

"When can he return?"

The housekeeper showed a dilemma. "This, where the young master's whereabouts are known to us."

(End of this chapter)

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