Chapter 2082 BOSS, about 2

This time the original owner of the plunge is a bit...

The original main north rain 棠 is a small three, and is still in the hall, successfully succeeded in the third. The original mind of the Lord is very simple, that is to hug the rich thighs, and then comfortably lived for a lifetime.

Although the original owner said that it was a small person who called and screamed and killed, but it was a principled junior. She is not a person, but has carefully selected, specially selected a middle-aged mature fan of the United States, Uncle Mei has a wife, but unfortunately a vegetative.

The uncle of the United States took a fancy to the beauty of the original Lord, and the original owner saw the money of the uncle, and the two of them snapped together and each took what they needed. Even so, in front of outsiders, she is a shameless third in the marriage of others.

The original Lord is very self-aware and never denied. The original owner followed the uncle of the United States and accompanied him to various banquets. The outsiders knew that the original owner was not Jiang Yi’s wife, but even more wife.

Although the outsiders are not ashamed of her little three, but outsiders look at Jiang Yi's face and do not dare to say anything in front of her face, but will give her a few faces.

The original owner thought that his day was like this. When he had enough money, he could leave from Jiang Yi’s side and then comfortably find a place with a quiet environment for a lifetime.

However, the world is unpredictable. Jiang Yi’s vegetative wife died. Jiang Yi picked up Bei Yuyu as his wife from many mistresses. In the eyes of the original owner, Jiang Yi chose her. It is estimated that he has long seen that she is the one of all his mistresses, the only one who does not want to go up.

The original owner wanted to refuse, but in the end thought about it, short-term meal tickets became a good choice for long-term meal tickets, and he agreed with Jiang Yi’s proposal.

In this way, the success of the original master became the continuation of Jiang Yi's wife.

If the story ends like this, then there is nothing north of the rain.

The original master's plan is very good, but her life is as twisty, miserable, and unfortunate as her first half. In the eighth year of her marriage to Jiang Yi, Jiang Yi died in an accident.

The tragic life of the original Lord began from that time. Of course, part of the reason was her own death.

There is no reason for it, just because Jiang Yi has a son named Jiang Li, this son is only six years younger than the original owner. When the original owner was 18 years old, he followed Jiang’s father. At that time, he was only 12 years old. He was so hateful that he was the shameless woman and took away his father.

After the original owner married Jiang Yi, he successfully entered the Jiang family. The original master knew clearly that Jiang did not like her. She did not ask for fun when she was confusing. It was like a stranger who knew each other.

A model like this has been maintained until after Jiang Yi’s death. When Jiang Yiyi left, the original owner thought that he could safely be her rice worm and did not need to serve people.

Unfortunately, her thoughts are beautiful and the reality is cruel.

The original owner always knew that Jiang did not like her, and she did not expect him to like himself. She thought that after Jiang Yi’s death, Jiang Li would at least look at Jiang Yi’s face, but also for her own face, let her stay in the Jiang family, the most unfortunate is to drive her away.

Indeed, as originally expected, Jiang was ready to drive away the original owner shortly after Jiang Yi’s death and was ready to detain all her property. After the original master knew it, he was very angry.

(End of this chapter)

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