Chapter 2090 BOSS, about 10

Xiao Jiang smelled her breath from the tip of her nose. Her back was very thin, but I don't know why it made him feel wide and thick for a moment.

Xiaojiang did not say anything from quiet, until she let him down.

The rain in the north saw this little guy so quiet, and turned his head just to capture the embarrassing embarrassment of his eyes, the eyes unconsciously dyed a little smile.

She opened his acupuncture point and placed a shovel in front of him.

"Okay, start from now, take a break after an hour. Your task today is to wipe out the weeds that come to that end." Bei Yuyu gave a picture.

"If you don't do it, hehe." North rain screamed evil.

Xiao Jiang was shocked by her appearance. She was unwilling to pick up the little girl and kneel on the ground to start weeding.

Every time you start, you will curse once in your mouth.

Bei Yuyu stood by and watched his work, and from time to time he would accept the resentful and angry look from Xiaojiang.

The northern rains ordered the people to lay down tables and chairs under the shade of the trees, melons and teas, and lay half naked, watching a little thing squatting there to work hard.

Xiaojiang’s centrifugation head hates that he is weeding here, she is good, she eats fruit and drinks tea there, and she can’t do it.

The north rain glared at the beautiful face of the handsome face, but it was a little bit unbearable. He wanted to call him back, but after seeing his fierce eyes, he silently put away that unbearable. thought.

"Don't be embarrassed, and then you will fall down, your eyes will fall out."

After Xiaojiang heard it, he couldn’t get angry. The black eyes were bright and bright, but when she thought of what she said, she silently put away her fierce gaze, screaming at the cold, turning her body, using the small round The **** is facing her.

Jiang Yan, a young master who was sweating like a rain, couldn't bear it. He couldn't help but persuade him: "Mrs. Little Master has been doing it for a long time, let him take a break."

It took 40 minutes for Bei Yu to take a look at the time.

"Small, you can rest."

Xiao Jiang did not pay attention to her, pretending to be inaudible, still using the rounded **** to face her.

The north rain glared at the stubborn little back, and said, "Geng Hao, you look at how small and diligent, let him rest, he does not rest, it is extremely fond of weeding."

Like, who would like weeding!

Xiaojiang was mad at the little face, and threw the little **** the ground, then stepped on the big step and walked down to the shade of the tree. When he sat down, he did not forget to provoke the north. The rain snorted.

The north rain was not annoyed at all, and a smile was on his lips.

It’s a kid!

Jiang Yan looked at him sweating and he couldn't help. "Little Master, drink tea."

Xiaojiang was separated from the tea. After taking a sip, it was hot and sprayed directly from the mouth. A beautiful little face wrinkled all over, while opening his mouth and blowing his tongue.

“It’s hot, hot, hot.”

Jiang Yan’s return to this, and he apologized: “It’s not good for Jiang Yan, I forgot that this tea is still hot.”

Xiao Jiang ordered the command: "Go get ice water."

"Little Master, you just finished the activity, you should not eat ice water, it is not good for your health." Jiang Yan advised.

"I let you go, just go." Xiao Jiang's little tongue is still hurting now. If he does not take ice water to ease it, he will die.

(End of this chapter)

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