Chapter 2097 BOSS, about 17

"Jiang Li." Jiang Yi voice sinking, apparently in anger.

Xiao Jiang left to look at Jiang Yi, and looked at the North Yu Yan standing on the side of his face. He hated the little girl in his hand and ran towards the courtyard.

The northern rain 棠 turned and chased, but was stopped by Jiang Yi. "Let the boy go. No lesson to teach him, he doesn't know the heights."

Jiang Yi said so, but North Rain can't really listen to him.

Bei Yuyu followed the Jiang family, but when she went out, she could not see where Xiaojiang left.

"Jiang Li."

The northern rain screamed and immediately chose to shut up.

Estimate the stinky boy, now after seeing her, just turn around and leave.

The place where the Jiang family is located is the most famous Guangming Mountain in Haidu. It is said that this mountain is a treasure of Fengshui. The entire Guangming Mountain has built dozens of high-end villas of different sizes. More than ten villas are built according to the Yin and Yang Five Elements, completely independent. It takes more than half an hour to walk to the door next door, and it is a completely private place.

The people who can live here are the whole sea city commercial predators, and they are very expensive.

Jiangjia is located halfway up the mountain. It takes more than ten minutes to drive down the mountain. It takes at least an hour to walk. As for going up the mountain is also a similar distance.

The northern rain squats to estimate the temper of Xiao Jiang, he should not go down the mountain, after all, there is no penny, there is no place to go out. He will only go to the mountains. There is a light-view platform that can see the scenery of the whole sea city. It is a good healing ground.

She returned to Jiangjia, borrowed a bicycle from the maid's house, and then stepped on the bicycle and headed for the mountain.

I have to say that the quality of this body is quite good. It should be that the original master has grown up from a young age, and the daily work has given her a good physical strength.

After going to the top of the mountain, she put the bicycle aside and began to look for Xiaojiangli on the huge platform.

After looking for a lap, I finally found Xiaojiang in the jungle.

"You won't hide here crying?"

Xiaojiang suddenly heard the sound coming from behind, and turned his head in shock. He saw the shade of the tree. The man looked up at him with a bright smile.

"You, do you follow me?" Xiao Jiang was outraged.

"Tracking?" North Rain snorted. "Do you have any benefit in tracking? Can you steal money from you, or can you rob you from here?"

"You, you, you..." Xiao Jiang has never seen such a brazen woman.

He said that she did not stand up and left the place.

Bei Yu Yan followed him. Xiao Jiang stopped and looked coldly, his lips smirked. "I still said that I didn't follow me. If you want to persuade me to come back, don't think about it, I am I will never follow you back."

"It’s really passionate. From which eye do you see that I want to persuade you to go back?” Bei Yuyu looked at him with a sly look.

"What are you doing here?" Xiao Jiang looked at her contemptuously, don't think he could not see her intentions.

She didn't just fake out and find herself, and then brought herself back, not to brush her face in front of her father, showing her generosity and kindness.

Bei Yuyi took out the little guy's mind at a glance. He had to say that he was very smart, but he was still young and didn't know how to hide his own thoughts. As long as he was a hot person, he could see his heart from his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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