Chapter 2100 BOSS, about 20

"Ming, the information shows that Xiaojiang is kidnapped?"

The northern rains are too lazy to read the memories. Anyway, there is a ready-made ‘database’ to ask.

[Three months later. This kidnapping is to change the beginning of the villain's character and lay the attributes of his metamorphosis. 】 I can't help but say the time, but also summed up the results.

"At the same time, he hated me when I went to the top." Bei Yuyu added a sentence.

After Xiaojiang was kidnapped, the kidnappers wanted Jiangyi to pay a huge amount of redemption. At that time, the Jiang family invested in several important projects, and the liquidity was insufficient.

If Jiang Yi is looking for someone to borrow money, the fear of death will definitely spread the rumors and hurt Jiang, making people sneak into the air. Jiang Yi’s hesitation and shirking angered the kidnappers. They tortured Xiaojiang and took a video and sent it to Jiang Yi.

Jiang Yi was determined to borrow money. Although Xiao Jiang was successfully rescued, he suffered a lot during the kidnapping period. The whole person also changed from a small boy who had been jealous to a gloomy one. child.

During the time when Xiaojiang was kidnapped, he remembered to hate Beiyu, thinking that she was stalking from it and that Jiangyi failed to deliver the ransom on time. Although he later learned that it was not that she was stalking from it, but hate buried in her heart, it was so easy to pull out, especially at that time on the road to perversion.

At that time, Xiao Jiang was separated, and he felt that in the eyes of Jiang Yi, his son was not as good as his company, not even in the north. He feels that he is a superfluous person, an unwelcome person.

Xiaojiang was drilled into the corner of the horn, and no one pulled him, so he went on the road of no return.

On this road of no return, one day suddenly met a girl, the girl brought him light, let him feel the warmth.

That woman is not someone else, it is Zhang Linger.

This is why Xiao Jiang is obsessed with Zhang Linger. Even if she was betrayed by Zhang Linger in the later period and let her mess up her company, he still does not hate her.

Just because in his dark world, she is the only one who brings her light.

[What are you going to do? Asked curiously, [Is it going to destroy this kidnapping? 】

The north rains mysteriously smiles. "You will know when you get there. This is a good opportunity."

In the next three months, if both Bei Yu and Xiao Jiang are left together, the two must be mutually exclusive and absolutely unable to live in peace.

Xiao Jiang listened to the attention of those friends from outside, and often changed the pattern to deal with her, but each time he did not succeed, but he made himself feel embarrassed, and was punished by Jiang Yi several times.

The relationship between Xiaojiang and Beiyuyu can be described as the same.

"Ming, I remember it is correct, tomorrow is the kidnapping day right?" North Rain snorted.

[Yes, that's right. 】

The northern rain licked the lips and smiled, and the eyes showed the expected glow.

As in the past, after Jiang Yi went to work, Xiao Jiang left to leave. I have had breakfast in Beiyu, and I look at the newspaper and brush my mobile phone as I used to. Waiting until one o'clock in the afternoon, Bei Yuxi did not know where to find a stack of drawings.

"Jiang Yan, I remember this is Xiao Jiang's drawing, it seems to be the homework he has to pay today."

When Jiang Yan saw it, it was not something young.

"I will send the young master to the past."

"Forget it, let me go." Bei Yuyu volunteered to get up from the sofa.

(End of this chapter)

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