Chapter 2109 BOSS, about 29

Xiaojiang lifted his head. "But they said, Dad is not willing to change me with a ransom. He doesn't want my son. They said that if Dad doesn't pay, he will cut me into a paragraph."

"Don't be afraid, if I am there, I will not let this happen." Bei Yuxi said.

Xiao Jiang was obviously not convinced, but he did not say.

"Xiaojiang is away, let me see the injury on your body." Bei Yuyu held his hand and took the pulse for him.

She was not worried about the flesh injury of the cartilage tissue outside. She was afraid that these gangsters would not be light and heavy, and would give him internal injuries.

After the rain in the north, I couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, there are some skin injuries.

This day, the three gangsters did not give them food, and they made it to be hungry. Knowing their purpose, Bei Yuyu did not yell and let them prepare food as they did last time.

Now what they have to do is to reduce their sense of existence and fear that these people will do something uncontrollable.

This night, everyone did not sleep well. Xiao Jiang and Bei Yu were worried that these gangsters would again suffocate on them, and the gangsters were worried that Jiang Yi would not give ransom.

As for Jiang Yi, he is busy borrowing money. In order to borrow money, he can be considered an old face.

The kidnapping of Jiang Yi’s son was also spread in the upper circle.

They only knew that Xiaojiang was kidnapped, but he did not know that his wife was also kidnapped with one piece.

The next morning, when Bei Yuqi woke up, he saw that the little guy was still asleep, so he didn’t bother him. He knew that he slept unsteadily last night.

However, when it was noon, Bei Yuxi discovered his anomaly. When her hand touched his body, he found that he was hot.

Damn, he has a fever.

The north rain squatted Xiaojiang away from the flat and walked to the door, facing the outside: "Is there anyone, is there anyone?"

The outside gangster was too noisy by her shouts. When she opened the door unpleasantly, she saw the north rain eagerly said: "The young master has a high fever, and I beg you to buy him some antipyretics."

"Not a fever." The gangster's third child did not care.

"Fever is not treated in time, it will die. Little young man is weak, can't stand such a disease, I beg you to do well, buy some medicine for him." Bei Yuyu said in a low voice.

"If you die, die. If his Laozi does not pay the ransom, then both of you will die." The gangster said in a wicked manner.

"His father will definitely pay the money."

The gangster’s third child was too lazy to talk nonsense with her and said directly: “You’re going to swear, I’m rude.”

The gangster's third child rudely closed the door.

The north rain 棠 still does not give up, patted the door hard.

In the end, the gangsters bought him two antipyretics, taking advantage of the drug, which is clearly the amount of the ransom. The northern rain rushed to him and let him sleep on his own body.

Halfway through, he woke up in confusion, saw her holding herself, and spoke to him gently.

He didn't quite understand what she was saying. The only feeling was that her voice was very gentle and she was very comfortable.

This whole day Xiaojiang was groggy from the whole person, and when he woke up, he quickly went to sleep.

Bei Yu has been paying attention to the outside movement. When she heard that they were excited to go out for a ransom, she knew that the time came. However, taking advantage of Xiao Jiang’s departure, I originally thought that I would cooperate with him once and lay down the feelings of my comrades. Now it seems that I can’t.

(End of this chapter)

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