Chapter 2112 BOSS, about 32

Xiaojiang was so pale and pale, his eyes were full of fear, and he clung to his mouth.

The two gangsters turned around and suddenly the gangster looked at Xiaojiang’s direction. Xiao Jiang left the gangster and walked toward him step by step. Seeing that he was going to be on his side, his heart mentioned high, and the whole person shrank.

A loud noise from ‘Shashasha’ came from a distance.

The gangster shouted at the youngest man: "On there, chase."

The footsteps of the gangster's third child stopped a few steps away from the big stone, and finally did not go one step further, followed the boss to chase in another direction.

After Xiaojiang saw that they had left, the whole person was soft and soft, and there was a faint faintness in front of him. Unconsciously, the faint fainting passed.

The Northern Rains brought the gangsters over and determined that they would follow the tactics of the roundabout.

It is difficult to get rid of them completely, she must block the break, and then it is possible to break away from their pursuit.

I didn't eat anything all day, and with a small river running away from the road, her physical exhaustion was so powerful that the situation at the moment was that she could not let her slow down, and she could not allow her to stop and rest.

Northern Rain sees a hare, and the brain is in the air, picking up a stone on the ground and hitting the hare. When it stopped, the northern rain smashed it and quickly took off his body and put it on the hare.

After she got these things, the two gangsters will soon catch up.

The Northern Rains released the hare and then ran in the other direction. When they caught up, they saw sounds in both directions.

"Boss, they seem to run separately."

"The little girls should be physically weak, just when we grab them. Another small one, with a high fever, can't run fast. We both chase each other separately, and then catch it directly after catching up."

"it is good."

The two started chasing in one direction.

The direction of the gangster’s boss is the direction of the north rain.

The northern rain owl hides behind a big tree and listens to the footsteps that are getting closer and closer to him. She held her breath, her face calm, and the light was cold.

As he approached, Bei Yuyu held a handful of mud in his hand and went to his face.

The sudden move shocked the gangster's boss. He closed his eyes subconsciously and blocked it with his hand. In this moment, before the rain fell on him, he quickly attacked him.

After the gangster boss was hit three times in a row, he finally found a chance to fight back.

"Well, I didn't expect you to be hidden." The gangster spit out a blood in his mouth, and his eyes were staring at her.

He twisted his neck a few times and unfolded his body. The moment his body changed, the whole person was like a fierce beast, staring at her coldly.

Daddy, he rushed forward to avoid his fierce blow.

After the two men struggled together and confronted each other for dozens of tricks, Bei Yuyi felt that his martial arts were higher than the gangsters.

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When the north rain slammed away quickly, he heard a sound of ‘咚’, and the ground shook slightly, which showed the strength of the foot. If this foot was stepped on by him, the north rain would not die and half.

(End of this chapter)

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