Chapter 2115 BOSS, about 35

Bei Yuyu looked over him and found that he still couldn't find his mobile phone.

They are really cautious.

The north rain squats away from the place where Xiaojiang is hiding. I want to come to Xiaojiang and I am very scared.

She dragged her tired body and walked every step of the way, taking a breather for a while before continuing on the road. Walking and stopping along the way, obviously a short distance, she walked for half an hour.

At this point, her face was pale, with no blood.

Hiding in a small space, Xiaojiang heard the sound of snoring, and his brow was slightly light and wrinkled.

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"You, you are coming." Xiao Jiang said weakly from the voice.

The northern rain smashed him out of the small hole and smiled and said: "I said that I will not leave you, of course, come."

When Xiao Jiang left, she finally saw her condition and saw her wolverine, full of blood, and her eyes flashed with shock.

"You are hurt?"

"The two gangsters have been knocked down by me. We havetened to leave here." Bei Yuyu went to take his hand, and Xiaojiang left his hand in her hand.

"I, I thought you left me." Xiao Jiang said in a low voice.

North Rain snorted. "I look like someone who doesn't believe in words?"

"You, you said before, if you can't run, you will leave me alone."

"Stupid, that's a joke, even this can't be heard." Bei Yuxi smiled unceremoniously.

"Oh." Xiao Jiang snorted and snorted.

The northern rain is still the first to see that he is so well-behaved, it is really difficult to see the truth. These injuries on her body can be regarded as no white injuries.

"Are you still moving?"


"If you can't walk, tell me. I am carrying you."

Xiaojiang looked at her **** body, the wounds of her large and small bodies, and the warmth of a stock in her heart. No one has been so good to him since he was young.

At this moment, suddenly a person came out behind him and stabbed Xiaojiang.

The northern rain rushed to think too much, and pushed Xiaojiang away, and the short knife pierced her abdomen.

Hey, blood is sprayed on his face, Xiaojiang is stupid from the whole person.

Bei Yuyi grasped the man's arm and pulled out the knife. The backhand turned, the sharp knife cut through his neck, and the bright red blood sprayed out. It’s like a torrent of rain in the north, it’s like not being willing to die.

The body of the north rain can no longer hold, and the pen falls quite down.

Xiaojiang looked at the person who fell in front of him, and finally reacted. He fell to her front and kept resisting him. The tears of the beans were rolling.

"You don't want to die, don't die. You wake up quickly, as long as you wake up, I will never be against you again. Hey. I don't want you to die."

The crying was very far away, and the siren sounded outside.

The people outside heard the crying and followed, and saw two bodies lying on the ground, one of them lying next to her, a little boy screaming in front of her.

"Found it, here."

When Xiao Jiang was seen when the police came, he shouted at the people: "Come on, save her. Save her."

A group of hula laks came forward, and one of the policemen armed with guns walked to the front of the north rain and touched the artery at her neck.

(End of this chapter)

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