Chapter 2132 BOSS, about 52

As soon as the whistle sounded, the students on the scene screamed with warm cheers, screams and shouts.

Duan Yifan and others climbed from the ground, and they went to the river with a bad eye.

"You fouled? You deliberately hit us, this time is not a test." Duan Yifan angered.

The atmosphere on the court was so arrogant that the cheers of the onlookers came to an abrupt end, and they all looked at them incredulously.

"What's going on."

"It is obviously the one they first hit."

"I didn't expect Duan Yidan's seniors to be such a person."

"We are not blind, or long-eyed. It is only because they themselves hit a piece."

"Is that what?"

"They shouldn't fight."


Jiang’s two companions were also angry. They didn’t make it clear that they lost and didn’t accept it. They also satirized them before, but now they have become theirs.

"Duan Yifan, the senior, you are in violation of the rules. We have not said anything, you are still very embarrassed to say Jiang Li. Besides, what happened to Jiang? Where did he hit you? It is obvious that you are not long-sighted, Hit it and blame someone."

Duan Yifan said with anger: "I am not talking about us, but he is knocking down Ou Shao. This is obvious to everyone. He just wants to rely on Lai. Some people do not compromise in order to win."

"You..." Jiang's companions were greeted by their shamelessness.

Jiang was too lazy to pay attention to this kind of jumping clown, but just looked at Ou Shangjie with contempt and did not say anything.

Ou Shangjie is seeing disdain and contempt in his eyes, as if laughing at himself like a jumping clown.

Ou Shangjie rushed to Duan Yifan: "Anyone, shut up. Lose is lost, there is no excuse."

Dai Xiaoyue followed Zhang Linger into the court, and Ou Shangjie saw the coming, and his face barely showed a smile.


Zhang Linger smiled at him and said: "Ou brother, how come you came to school. It is getting harder and harder to see it in school, let alone the basketball court."

Ou Shangjie heard the meaning of Zhang Linger's words, and his heart was warm. It was really the woman he was looking at. It was such intimacy and kindness. Even if it was a comforting person, it would leave no trace and make people feel particularly comfortable.

On the other hand, Jiang took his coat and went out. A girl ran over to send water along the way, but he was scared to go forward by the momentum of his child. When his eyes saw the crowd When the figure was worn, the indifferent eyes suddenly lit up.

Jiang stepped toward her step by step, and the pace at the foot seemed to be steady in the eyes of outsiders. In fact, the inside speeded up.

The crowd watched and followed his figure. When he saw him standing in front of a woman, everyone looked at the north rain with X-ray.

"I will pick you up." Bei Yu looked at him with a smile, "Isn't it a surprise?"

"Surprise." Jiang said softly with a magnetic voice.

Bei Yuyu looked at his unclean sweat on his head, took a paper towel from his bag, and lifted his toes to wipe the sweat. The distance between the two is narrowing in an instant, and he can clearly smell the musk that belongs to her, even her heartbeat can be heard clearly.

Jiang looked away from her eyes and became dull, and the eyes flashed.

"Okay." The northern rain collapsed and did not notice the nerves that the river was slightly tight.

(End of this chapter)

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