Chapter 2144 BOSS, about 64

"Rain." His voice was a meal, "North and North."

Bei Yuyu was facing a slight dagger and walked downstairs.

Jiang was busy with her, and she spoke a few times, but she saw her indifference and quietly endured.

When I arrived at the restaurant, Jiang pulled the seat forward and looked at Bei Yuyu and sat down on the chair next to it. Jiang looked at the opened seat and flashed a glimpse of it.

When Jiang Yan saw this scene, it was the first time that the young master had done something sorry for his wife. The reason why she thinks this, not that the wife did something sorry for the young master, is that the wife is better than the younger brother than his relatives.

"Jiang Yan, go to bed."


Jiang looked at her, and the north rain did not squint, as if he did not see the person on his side.

Her disregard, Jiang Li is very uncomfortable, only feels depressed at the heart.

Jiang Yan brought up the breakfast, they all loved it.

Jiang Li took a crab cake into her bowl, and the north rain was trying to remove the bowl. The corner of her eye saw the tension and fear in his eyes, as if she was afraid of her rejection.

The action in her hand was a meal, and the crab cake was placed in her bowl.

When the rain was over, the crab cake had been firmly in the bowl. She wanted to send the piece of cake out, but she saw the restless look of Jiang’s face and finally did nothing. Clipped up and eaten bit by bit.

Jiang Li saw that she had eaten, and her face suddenly smiled.

When he picked up a crab cake again and put it in her bowl, her bowl was removed.

Jiang’s movements in his hands flashed a glimpse of the color of his eyes.

"I want to eat my own folder. Don't look at me to eat, you hurry to eat, wait for the school, don't be late." Bei Yu said softly.

Jiang saw her talking to herself, and cared about him, letting his mood jump, and nodded sillyly. "Well, I will eat it."

Jiang was drinking porridge and looked at her from time to time.

I didn’t see anything in the north rain, and I ate it in my bowl.

When she put down the tableware, Jiang Li also followed the tableware. The two walked out of the restaurant together. As usual, Bei Yuyu sent him to the door. "Go ahead, but you will be late if you don't leave."

"it is good."

Jiang left to the side of the car, the driver opened the door for him. Before getting on the bus, Jiang looked at the people on the steps and saw her waving at herself. Jiang then entered the car.

The car slowly drifted away, and his gaze looked at the rear man until he could never see it again.

She also sent herself to school as usual, but I don't know why his heart feels empty, as if something is missing.

At noon, Jiang Yan prepared the food box. When Bei Yuqi walked into the restaurant, he saw the food box on the table and said to Jiang Yan: "Let Wang Shu send it to the young master."

Jiang Yanyi, nothing said, "Okay."

Hey, it seems that this wife is not too angry, otherwise it will not even send the young master to lunch. At the beginning, the young master felt that the food in the cafeteria was not good. The wife was distressed by the young master. He began to give him lunch every day. This is five years, and the wind and rain are unimpeded.

Now the wife is not sent, it shows the seriousness of the matter.

Bei Yuyu sat at the table and looked at the delicious food in front of him, but there was no taste in his mouth.

Ps: Yesterday's update! Don't ask why Mom is so late. It’s really a card that hurts me. One afternoon, I can't write a word to the computer. I watched the time and the past. The ink lord was in a hurry. I couldn’t waste my time. I got it, and the ink went to the code, "Headline Tianhou", and wrote the book in minutes. I wrote two chapters, but then write this... tmd can't write again.

What can I do, can I have any solution?

Why is Cavan, but there are reasons, the specific reason I said at the time, because I really want to swear, some people are not good.

(End of this chapter)

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