Chapter 2149 BOSS, about 69

"You are just a nominal couple." Jiang was clutching this, as if this was his last hope.

Jiang Yi looked at him with a sullen face. "No matter whether it is nominal or otherwise, it is impossible between the two of you."

The father did not agree, and the opposition of Yu Yu made him suffer.

“Why?” Jiang’s painful hands covered his head.

Jiang Yi looked at his son's painful appearance, and his eyes passed a glimmer of light, Shen Sheng said: "Give up the unreality in your mind."

Jiang suddenly raised his head and looked at him with a pair of red eyes. "If I don't give up?"

“Don’t give up?” Jiang Yi snorted. “As far as you are, what qualifications are there to say this. When you have enough strength to let everyone shut up, you are qualified to say this. Otherwise, everything is just empty talk."

After that, Jiang Yi left the study and left Jiang alone.

Jiang Yi stood outside the study door, across the door, as if through the door to see the people inside, the eyes flashed with dark and unclear light.

He sighed at the door and turned away. He just walked two steps and his body swayed. If he did not hold the wall in time, he might have fallen to the ground.

He held the hand on the wall, one hand against the head, his face pale, and his forehead was overflowing with fine sweat.

Jiang Yan saw Jiang Yi’s appearance and was busy with him to help him. “Master, your illness...”

"Go to the room, don't let it sound."

"Yes." Jiang Yan sighed in his heart, did not understand why the master did not tell the young master and his wife.

At this time, the river in the study, the whole person is caught in a tangled, stunned, and his mind has repeatedly repeated what his father just said. After half a ring, he stood up and swayed around him.

The sharp dawn stared out the window, as long as he had enough strength to let all the awe-inspiring forces make her grow up with her, then he did that.

Jiang’s eyes are firm and persistent, and one day he will let everyone close his mouth and let her be his wife. By that time, no one can stop them from being together.

When the rain was coming back, he was shouted by Jiang Yan. "Mrs., the lord is waiting for you in the backyard."


North Rain has just stepped into the door and turned to the backyard.

Jiang Yi was lying in the rocking chair and saw her coming, indicating that she was sitting down.

After the rain was sitting down, he did not ask.

"You are not curious why I am looking for you?" Jiang Yi looked at her.

"If you want to say something, you will naturally say it."

Jiang Yihehe smiled. "You are sincere. I know everything about you and Jiang Li."

Bei Yu’s heart sighed. “You can rest assured that I will not be with him.”

Jiang Yi raised her hand and interrupted her. "No, what I want to say today is that before Jiang has not grown up, you should not give him any hope when he has no ability to control everything."

The north rains, the meaning of his words, is it not...

North Rain squinted, "Why are you..."

Jiang Yi saw her incredible look and smiled. "You must be curious, why don't I object?"

The north rain nodded.

"Because he is my only son. In his life, as a father, I never gave him enough care. When he was young, I couldn't care for him because of the company."

(End of this chapter)

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