Chapter 2165 BOSS, about 85

How could this be!

He should not die in a year, but now he is ahead of schedule.

"where is he?"

"It has been sent to Hengshan Central Hospital."

The northern rain rushed away, initially just trotting, and at the end she ran herself and ran to the garage. The car whistling out of the yard, and the trees on the side of the road quickly regressed.

Half an hour later, Bei Yuying appeared in the hospital. At the same time she arrived, Jiang Li also rushed to arrive.

This is the first time in six months that I have seen Jiang Li, but it is under such circumstances.

Jiang looked at the **** father lying on the cold bed, and the pace at his feet seemed to be filled with iron and lead, and he walked hard.

"Dad." Jiang looked red and seemed to be red with the blood on his body.

Bei Yu Yan looked at the sad, lonely figure, slowly stepped forward, standing on his side, trying to give away the coldness and loneliness of his body.

"Leaving children."

Jiang did not seem to hear it, so he looked at him so quietly, and he slowly reached out to erase the blood on his face.

"Dad, you have a good rest, and the company will hand it over to me. So much, you have paid so much for the company, you have never had a good day off, now you are helping me."

Bei Yuyu knows that there is more comfort in this time. It is better to guard him on his side and let him know that he is not alone.

In this world, he also has relatives.

Everything about the funeral was done by himself. From the beginning to the end of the funeral, he never left a tear until he looked at the cold tombstone, raised his head slightly, and turned the tears in his eyes back.

At the moment he left Jiang Yi, he was no longer qualified, and he no longer had a weak qualification.

After returning from the funeral, Jiang Lie left himself alone in the study, until the next day he was opened by the north rain. There was no light in the dark study room.

In the corner, she looked for someone who was curling up there. Looking at him at this time, he was like a wounded wolf. He was alone in the corner and silently licking his wound.

Seeing him like this, her heart was once again twitching.

She stepped forward and kneeled beside him, reaching out and holding him in his arms.

The unmoving person finally reacted. He slowly raised his head and revealed a pair of congested red eyes. He looked at her like this, raised his hand and touched her face, the gentleness of the fingertips, let His cold eyes slowly dyed a touch of temperature.

"Hey, can't you leave me right?" The red eyes stared at her quietly.

Bei Yu’s heart trembled. She didn’t want to lie to him, but she couldn’t lie to him. In the depths of her eyes, she touched a complex color of hesitation and struggle. She solemnly said: “No.”

Jiang was so excited that he hugged her back, but the redness of the crimson bottom was filled with crazy light.

He saw it and saw her flashing and hesitating and struggling.

Is she cheating on him?

Or is she talking about it?

Jiang did not want to think about it, holding her tightly, that force seemed to embed him in the bone marrow.

When Jiang was separated from the study, his whole person changed, and his body became more and more attractive. That momentum is even more pressing than Jiang Yi.

That night, he locked all the weaknesses there.

(End of this chapter)

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