Chapter 2175 BOSS, about 95

"Let's live well, promise me."

After he finished speaking, he waited for him to respond. The northern rain slammed into Dai Xiaoyue, and the mobile phone fell to the ground. When she hadn’t returned to the gods, Bei Yu’s smashed the mobile phone.

This sudden scene directly hit Dai Xiaoyue, and when she returned, she saw that the phone had been trampled.

"You dare to play us." Dai Xiaoyue is very angry, she can see it, she will not be arrogant.

"I won't let you die. I will cut your ears and send things to Jiang Li. I don't believe that he will be indifferent after seeing this thing."

"Dai Xiaoyue, you are crazy."

Zhang Linger quickly stepped forward to stop, because he ran too fast and stepped on the object, a carelessness, the body rushed forward, just hit Dai Xiaoyue.

At this time, Dai Xiaoyue was standing in front of the north rain with a knife. Zhang Linger suddenly hit, let her body flutter uncontrollably and directly fell on the body of Beiyuyu, only to hear '噗嗤' The knife stabbed her heart.

Dai Xiaoyue stunned, looked down at his hands and stained the blood, panicked and rushed backwards, and looked at the knife piercing her chest with a panic and flustered look.

‘噗嗤’, the north rain squirted a blood, looked down at the knife on the chest, and showed a touch of relief on the lips with a hint of regret.

She wanted to spend more time with him, but their kidnapping was her best time to leave.

Zhang Linger looked at the knife in front of Bei Yu's chest and looked at the blood that was constantly pouring. The whole person was scared.

"You killed her."

Dai Xiaoyue muttered in the mouth. "No, no, I didn't think about killing her, I didn't."

At the same time, Wang Shu has already arrived at the company, and spent a lot of time to see Jiang Li.

"Young master, my wife is gone."

After being hanged up by Beiyu, Jiang immediately called back, but the phone was disconnected and could not be opened. He refused to take care of the other, rushed out, just met Wang Shu.

Jiang Liyin squinted and told the secretary around him: "Send someone to check this number."

"Wang Shu, when did she not see?"

Uncle Wang told him what happened in the villa.

Jiang was cold with a face and roared: "From the time I found out that she has not seen it for two hours, why not tell me the first time?"

Wang Shu was scared by his appearance and shrank his neck and said: "We have been calling you all the time, but no one has answered."

The secretary who was away from the cold, Jiang’s mobile phone was handed over to the secretary when he was in charge of the overall situation.

The secretary accepted Jiang’s horrible look and scared his face. “Jiang always, the mobile phone is silent, just busy, and did not see it.”

"Your things will be dealt with later, and now people are mobilized to find people."

Jiang dialed the director of the police station and soon a police car was dispatched. They finally found the vehicle that robbed the rain from the surveillance video, and followed this clue to start the intersection leading to the city.

Soon they caught the kidnapping of the northern rain, and they told the things in a few days. They followed the clues given by several people toward the place where the north rains were held.

"Come on, hurry up." Jiang is constantly urging.

Half an hour later, they rushed to the room and saw that the house was burning with a raging fire.

(End of this chapter)

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