Chapter 2191 Real World 12

The northern rain and the musk saw the little boy in the crowd, and the musk immediately jumped up and shouted at the opposite person: "Little Master, here, here."

The kid ink circle looked at the noisy crowd and soon found the mother and musk.

"Hua brother, I saw my family, so don't go over it." Xiaozi ink gave a hand to Huazi.

"Mu brother, you haven't told me where your home is. I am thinking about your mother's craft." Hua Zikai did not forget this great event.

Hungry for a few days in the Gongyuan, I dreamed of eating delicious every day. Every time I sneaked on the craft of Muzi ink, I became more and more determined to try the food that his mother had made.

He is not a person here, naturally he wants to do it quickly, otherwise he will feel uncomfortable in his heart.

Xiaozi ink did not think that he was so impatient, and he reported his address.

"Then I will come tomorrow." Hua Zikai asked, "I don't know if it is inconvenient?"

"Yes." Kid ink should be heard.

"That. Let's see you tomorrow."

After the kid ink was separated from him, he immediately rushed toward the north rain.

"Nyon." Xiaozi ink stood in front of the north rain, and immediately greeted the eyes of the north rain squatting up and down.

"Yes, it’s still very spiritual."

Bei Yuyu took the hand of Xiaozi Mo and walked out of the crowd.

“How do you feel?”

This is the first time he has faced such an exam. He is also nervous when he wants to come. He just looks at his calm look, but it is not quite like it.

"Alright." Xiaozi ink said very modestly.

Hearing this, Bei Yuxi probably knew the result. Xiao Moer never said anything about it. Now that he said it, the number of children’s students should be no problem.

"Mother, I met a friend inside." Xiaozi ink said.

"Is the boy who was talking to you at the door?" Bei Yuyu naturally saw the boy, the clothes he wore were the finest silks, and he looked at the boy’s temperament and knew that his family was good. .

"Yes." The kid nodded. "He heard that the craftsmanship of the mother is very good, and I want to taste the craftsmanship of the mother."

The north rain squatting on the little guy, cautiously, sneaking and observing his own appearance, only feels fun, he is deeply afraid of being angry.

"Then let him come over." Bei Yu smirked. "He heard this from your mouth."

The kid nodded shyly. "He will come tomorrow."

After a rain in the north, I smiled and said: "It’s really an acute child. Tomorrow, the mother will give you a good table. Our ink is a boast of Haikou. The mother must show her hand and can’t let the other person Disappointed."

"It’s good to kiss you."

After going back in the evening, Bei Yuxi personally cooked the kitchen. He knew that he had not eaten well in the Gongyuan in the past few days. Whoever was not good, so the dinner tonight was very rich, and the children who burned were all loved by the boy.

After dinner, the two sat in the yard to eliminate food.

The next morning, Xiaozi ink got up as usual. After the boy tried to put a five-day holiday in the college, he didn't need to go to the academy, but he still got up early as usual and began to practice martial arts.

When the rain came out, I saw that the little guy had practiced a boxing method.

After eating breakfast, Bei Yuyu went to the market with musk. Today, a friend of Xiaozi Moujia came to visit and naturally paid attention to it.

(End of this chapter)

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