Chapter 2193 Real World 14

This is the mother of Muzimo, no wonder Muzi ink is also cute.

Hua Zikai stepped forward and gave a handful of gifts. "I have seen my wife. Visiting in the next Tang Dynasty, don't be surprised."

"How come? You can come, I am very happy." Bei Yuyan glanced through his body, and when his eyes noticed the jade he wore at his waist, his eyes were slightly stunned.

"Mother, this is the one I told you, his name is Hua, the name is 昀." Xiao Moer introduced.

Hua, but the country name.

His surname is Hua, and he wears dragon jade, and his identity is self-evident. The Northern Rain has searched for the Emperor of the Great Zhou Dynasty. At this age, there are only eight emperors.

Hua Zikai, it should be the Eight Emperors of the Great Zhou Dynasty.

Hearing the unusual intelligence of the Eight Emperors, he was agile and deeply loved by the Emperor of the Great Zhou Dynasty. His mother Xiao Shuzhen was the favorite of the Emperor of the Great Zhou Dynasty. It can be seen that the Eight Emperors are very popular among many emperors.

I did not expect that the Eight Emperors will appear here, but also participated in the children's test.

The north rain greeted the two people into the house, letting the musk to bring the bought fruit up.

"You two have a good chat, I am going to prepare lunch for you."

Hua Zikai once again bowed his hand, "I have a lady."

Musk went to the kitchen with the help of Bei Yu, and the courtyard left them two small.

"Zi ink, can you play chess?" Hua Zikai asked.

"know a bit."

"Then we have a few rounds of chess, just waiting for your mother's food." Hua Zi did not leave the three words.

"it is good."

The kid ink moved out of the study, and the two sat in the shade of the courtyard playing chess. At the beginning, Hua Zikai was holding a playful attitude. After all, the age of Xiaozi Mo was there. Even if he knew how to play chess, the chess skills would not be too high. However, after half of the game, his expression obviously became dignified. , the look is not negative before the cynicism.

After a plate, Xiaozi ink bowed his hand to Huazi, "conduct."

Hua Zikai looked at Xiaozi Mo's eyes full of admiration. "Zi Mo brother, you really surprised my brother. My chess skills are high among the emperor and the brothers. They all say that I am a freak. Now it seems to me. Compared with you, it is normal."

"Is there? Isn't that simple?" Xiaozi ink looked at him suspiciously.

Hua Zikai: ...

Nima, if you let other people hear it, you must kill him.

"Are you best at playing chess?" asked Hua Zikai.

He can only think so, or how can he have such a good chess skill at such a young age.

Xiaozi ink seriously replied: "I am not good at it. This is what the teacher taught. Sometimes, when I am bored, I will watch a few books and pondering, not what I am good at."

Hua Zikai was hit again!

"What are you good at?" Hua Ziyu asked curiously.

Xiaozi’s ink is slightly indulged. “Maybe it’s medical.”

He is now the most mastered, and the most books are medical books.

Hua Ziyu looked at him with amazement. "Will you still practice medicine?"

"Slightly understand one or two." Xiaozi ink replied truthfully.

"Medical surgery is very difficult. You actually study medicine. Isn't your mother-in-law also studying medicine?" Hua Zikai asked.

He said why there are so many herbs in the courtyard, and it is only when someone in the family is studying this path.

The kid nodded, "My medical skills are the teacher's mother."

Hua Zikai is a real accident. He is a good young chess player and he is a medical doctor. He doesn’t know how to learn this. If he wants to come, he will not be worse. Although not as good as him, it should not be too bad.

(End of this chapter)

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