Chapter 2205 Real World 26

If you don't meet Muzimo this time, don't go out and play with them. I am afraid that if you become the emperor in the future, you may become a faint stunner who can hold your ears and eyes.

Hua Zikai is now more and more like to go to the North to play, where he heard and saw, and he benefited a lot.


The township test will only begin one month later, mainly for the children of other places to rush here. She stayed here for more than seven days because of Xiao Mo's test of her children.

Nowadays, you should be ready to enter the mission world. When the next mission comes out, you can just catch up with Xiaomo's township test.

However, there is a small tail at home, and this little tail has to be handled well.

Sitting on the roof, one big and one small, two people facing the bright moon, the soft light left on the two.

"Mother, are you going to sleep again?" Xiaomoer asked softly.

There is a feeling in the north rain, as if he knows some rules about the disease. However, it is normal to discover and detect it with the cleverness of Xiaomoer.


"Are you worried about your brother?"

Bei Yuyu looked at the little guy and looked at him. "Nothing can lick your eyes."

"I will go to the academy the day after tomorrow. I will take him away. I will tell him that the mother will go out for a while and want to come and he will not come again." Xiao Moer said calmly, it seems that he had planned well before he spoke. Everything.

"Our little ink is getting more and more capable, and it is difficult to solve the problem for her mother." Bei Yuyu touched the head of his little guy.

He really went with his own thoughts.

If Hua Zikai’s kid doesn’t tell himself to go out, he is going to come home to have dinner.

The next day, the scream of Hua Zi’s ‘Desolation’ was heard in the study.

"What!!!" Hua Ziyi listened to this bad news, the whole person is not very good.

"From the beginning of tomorrow, you can't eat the food that the mother has made."

"Would you want to go out for a few days?" Hua Zikai only felt that his heart was broken.

"Fast words for three or four days, slow words, half a month."

"Half month!!" Hua Zikai raised the door.

Bad news, this is definitely a bad news.

He thought she was going out, and at most it would be two or three days. I know that I have to go for such a long time.

He also thought that before the township test, he had time to eat and drink for a while, but now tells him that he is very likely to not eat in the next half of the month, how to make him heartless.

Xiaozi ink looked at him and only thought it was funny. "It is only half a month. The food that my sister Sangxiang burns is also good."

"I am different from you. After I have tried the township, I will return to Beijing. I will not want to eat or eat it at the time. I still think that I can eat more times during this time. I will eat more now. Now you are ruthlessly breaking. My dreams." Huazi looked at him with anger, as if he had grabbed his flesh and bones.

"If you are not in a hurry, you can postpone it, or tell me, I will send someone to help your mother to do it, and save her hard work." Hua Zixiao smiled.

Xiaozi ink shook his head. "The thing that the mother wants to do, she can only go in person, no one can replace it. You can bear it. At most, it is half a month, and it will soon pass."

Hua Zikai knows that this matter is a nail, "Okay."

He has accepted his life!

(End of this chapter)

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