Chapter 2247 E-sports Great God 42

The boss who dares to love doesn't know the size of the woman. So it seems that the big boss hasn't gotten started yet. No wonder he asks him so much, it will make people unhappy. It turned out to be a pain.

The secretary feels that he is the truth!

Wait, woman...

When the big boss was next to a woman, she went to buy her underwear.

There are women around me who are already scared. What is even more shocking is that they actually buy underwear for each other.

What kind of woman is this, let the big boss buy her underwear.

This is big news, big news.

Yan Xiukou whispered after hanging up the phone. "What size?"

In his mind, he thought back, her *** was unspeakable in her head, and a suspicious blush appeared slowly on her cold face.

Can't think about it, can't think about it anymore.

Yan Xiu rushed to get rid of the pictures in his mind.

Yan Xiu took a look at the time, the time is still early.

Let the woman sleep for a while.

Yan Xiu began to handle the work in his hand. When the clock pointed to the direction of 7:30, the doorbell rang.

The daily breakfast was delivered on time, Yan Xiu did not get up, directly slammed the remote control, the door automatically opened.

The waiter pushed the dining car into the room. Yan Xiu looked at the single breakfast and said to the person: "Go prepare one more, exactly the same."

"Yes." The waiter felt strange.

Yan Xiu once again walked into the bedroom of Bei Yu's house and stood in front of her bed. "Get up."

The north rain swayed and turned his back to him.

Yan Xiu saw her move, her eyes flashed a smile, and the depths of her eyes flashed a touch of pet.

That kind of pet is an unconscious pet.

That kind of pet is a mark imprinted in the depths of the soul.

"Get up." Yan Xiu helplessly stepped forward, gently patted the bulging group.

Bei Yuyu sat up and looked at him half-squinting.

I don't know why, the one who was not so sleepy, after lying down today, the whole person is too tired. After a good night's sleep, I was disturbed by this disturbing person.

If he is not his goal, she really wants to fly him out.

Yan Xiu looked at her sleepy look and smirked: "Get up, eat breakfast, and then continue to sleep."

At the dining table, Bei Yuyu looked at the food in front of him and suddenly thought of a big problem.

She is a ghost and can't eat anything.

Can't let him know that he is a ghost, then can't eat, it is easy to expose the problem.

"You eat first, I go to take a shower."

"After eating, wash again." Yan Xiu said indisputably.

"Yes, but I can't eat it in front of you, because..." Bei Yuyu looked at him with deep affection.

"Because of what?" Yan Xiu slowly took the porridge.

The northern rain 棠 sounded softly and softly: "Because I can't help but want to eat you."

"Cough, cough, cough." Yan Xiu was swallowed by porridge, coughing, and the deep eyes looked at her incredulously.

The north rain rushed forward, and the little hand gently stroked her back.

For a while, Yan Xiu calmed down and stared at her.

This woman is really no taboo, and she dares to say anything.

The northern rains are innocent, and the clear eyes are staring at him, as if they can't wait to bring him down.

Yan Xiu was stared at her hot eyes with some faint heat, and coughed, "Go wash."

Ps: Yesterday's four, the update is over!

There is a little cute saying, why not write a new book after this end. The little cutes don’t know that Yunqi’s novels are all free for four or five months, which means that the ink master will eat the soil for so long. Only a few months a year.

At the end of the book, the book was put on shelves, and it was not too long to eat.

Who doesn't want to live easily.

It also depends on whether there is that capital.

This capital is for all readers. A lot of genuine subscriptions for the little cutes is the biggest support for the ink, so that the ink has the capital.

I feel that I have not woken up and continue to sleep.

Good afternoon.

(End of this chapter)

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