Chapter 2267 Esports God 62

On the second day of video fermentation, the second heavyweight came out.

The previous video was warming up to get enough attention.

The photo that is released now is the climax. In the photo, Yan Xiu can be seen from a vip ward. The name of the hospital is exposed, and the patient who is visiting is naturally exposed.

[Yan Xiu does not participate in the finals, for the north rain 棠]

[North Rain is the mysterious girlfriend of Yan Xiu]

[North Yuxi, Yan Xiu, Qi Qinxue fall into love triangle]

[North Yuyu breaks up Qi Qinxue, because Yan Xiu intervenes]


A variety of versions have emerged one after another, and it seems that everyone who eats melons is a face.

When Qi Qinxue rushed back to D City, he opened the door to ask questions.

"Rain, what the **** is going on?"

Qi Qinxue is too aware of his girlfriend's worship of Yan Xiu. If he really shows that he is interested in her, I am afraid that the feelings of both of them will soon come to an end.

The relationship between him and her is the result of his death.

After all, he doesn't trust her. He doesn't trust Bei Yu. He really loves him, just as he loves her.

Gan Chufeng is also a face of a circle, she does not know why things will develop into this way.

"I don't know. Yan Xiu came over that day, just took a look and left." Gan Chufeng honestly replied.

"Why is he coming to see you?"

Gan Chufeng shook his head.

Is there anything between the monk and Yan Xiu in Bei Yu?

At the thought of this possibility, Gan Chufeng's heart was more and more jealous, and at the same time, he felt a little uneasy.

Gan Chufeng saw his worries and patiently said: "Don't learn, I am blind now, I don't understand what he is smoking, suddenly come over. Then he said something inexplicable and left."

"What?" Qi Qin learned to ask.

Gan Chufeng stunned, and this was shocked to say that he was quick to talk about it.

Gan Chufeng wants to fabricate a lie to fool the past, but he is afraid of being self-defeating. After measuring it again and again, he honestly replies: "What you are not her, not rain. I guess he should be looking for someone."

The last words of Gan Chufeng’s mouthfuls tell the truth.

The two parties are not clear.

"So strange?" Qi Qinxu frowned.

Gan Chufeng nodded.

"Don't learn, let's make a statement. Otherwise, let the outside people guess so wildly, it is not a good thing for us." Gan Chufeng proposed to let him relax his mind and vote for his own heart.

Qi Qinxue heard her proposal and was very moved.

She is in love with her, she is really damn, actually will be cranky.

"Good." Qi Qin learned to hold her hand with excitement, and her face touched.

When Gan Chufeng and Qi Qinxue were preparing to issue a statement, Yan Xiu issued a statement earlier and told the general public about the truth.

G City Hospital

Lin Xi peeled the orange and asked: "Do you say that Yan Xiufa’s statement is true?"

"I feel that it should be true. Yan Xiu should go to see his important person. It happened that Bei Yu was in that hospital. It was normal to look at it in the past." Lu Yiming said, turning his head and asking north to rain, " White, what do you think?"

"Maybe it is true." North Yu Yan is not happy in return.

"White, after you hurt, is it ready to take a break, or return to the team immediately?" Lin Xi asked.

Waiting for the response from the North Rain, I heard a voice coming from the door.

"He doesn't have to return to the team."

Ps: seventh! Updated today!

(End of this chapter)

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