Chapter 2287 Esports God 82

"Captain." The sudden appearance of the nightingale broke the strange atmosphere in the corridor.

Yan Xiu regained his gaze and his heart was dull.

He is him, just white.

After the nightingale and Yan Xiu left, Lin Dong and Bu Yifan could not help but look northward.

"White, did you and the captain know before?" Lin asked.

"do not know."

Bu Yifan and Lin move like him, not like lying. Is it just their illusion?

"Why do you think so?" Bei Yuqi asked.

Lin and Bu Yifan will not tell him naturally, because the eyes of the two people look at each other, it does not look like an ordinary relationship.

"No, nothing."

"Let's go to pk." Bu Yifan whispered.

"Okay, go to pk."

In the training room, three people each played a plate. When they were resting in the middle, Lin asked and said, "Do you say that the captain will come to guide us today?"

"do not know."

The north rain swayed and shook his head.

"If the captain can come, it will be fine. From the white, you can participate in the competition. If you can get the guidance of the captain before the game, you will definitely go further."

Bu Yifan came up with an idea: "If you are white, if you want to find a captain, let him open a small stove for you."

Hey, looking at the two of them, they are eager to try, and the eyes are flashing with a strong gossip factor, and they know that these two boys are not well-being.

Beiyuyu stood up and walked toward the door.

"Where are you going?" Bu Yifan asked.

"Listen to your opinions and go to the captain to open a small stove."

Bu Yifan: ...

Lin Dong:......

They are just joking, this guy actually took it seriously.

Bei Yuyu walked out of the training room, did not go to the captain, but went out to buy snacks to eat. On the way back, I just saw Yan Xiu.

Yan Xiu looked at the sugar-fried chestnut in her hand and stared at it.


One day they walked down the street, and one day the nose shook. "I smell the taste of sugar-fried chestnut."

Then, I watched the man follow the smell and found the stall of sugar-fried chestnut.

"Come a pound."

Someone is busy blocking, "Don't buy it."

Yan Xiu puzzled, looking at her sugar-fried chestnuts, they all seemed to be drooling.

Yu Yu looked at him with a hard look. "Can't eat. I can't eat if I want to eat."

"Why can't you eat?"

"My stomach is not good." The round face looked worried. "If I change my body, I must eat sugar and chestnut every day."


The northern rain was stared at by some of his eyes, and went forward and asked: "Captain, are you coming?"

His voice called Yan Xiu's thoughts back. Yan Xiu stared at the chestnut in his hand and glanced at him silently, walking away from him.

The hand that the north rain slid out and slowly took it back.

The next day, Yan Xiu once again appeared in the club.

When the two met on the corridor, in the courtesy of the captain's predecessors, Bei Yuyu greeted him.

"team leader."

Yan Xiu handed the bag to her, and the north rained and bowed his head and opened the bag. The smell of chestnut floated out.

Her eyes suddenly lit up.

"Captain, is this for me?"

"You can't finish it."

Listening to this is like eating the rest, but looking at the bag alone, it is clear that it has not moved.

Seeing him there, Yan Xiu raised his eyebrows. "You don't like to eat?"

"Like. Smell the smell and I want to eat it." Bei Yuxi smiled and thanked him. "Thank you for the captain's sugar-fried chestnut."

(End of this chapter)

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