Chapter 2320 Real World 2

This time I came back early, I calculated the time of Mo's township test, and I could do another task. It was just a little tight. If I missed it, it was definitely not what she wanted.

In the end, Bei Yuyu gave up and continued to do the task. Instead, he accompanied Xiaomoer to end the township test and then did the task.

The next day, Bei Yuxi made some snacks for Xiaomoer, knowing that Huazi was following him in the college and deliberately prepared more.

As usual, Hua Zikai was driving in a carriage waiting at the mouth of the alley. Seeing Xiao Moer came, took him and went to the academy.

It didn't take long for the car to be on the car. Huazi's nose smelled the smell of food. "What do you bring with you?"

Xiaozi ink knew that there was something delicious that could not escape his nose and took out a food box from the bag. When Hua Zi saw that he was slow-moving, he took it directly from his hand and couldn't wait to open it.

As soon as the box is opened, the smell of a scent floats out.

"smell good."

Huazi squeezed a lentils and put them in his mouth. It was very tasty, chewed finely, and it was bright and bright. "Good."

"I didn't expect that the technique of making a snack for Musk was good." Hua Ziyu sighed while eating.

Xiaozi ink did not say anything, let him misunderstand.

Hua Zikai ate along the way, and Xiaozi ink saw him. If he didn't stop it, maybe the box of snacks didn't go to the college, and all went into his stomach.

The kid ink took the box and took it from his hand. "Don't eat."

Hua Zi snorted, "small gas."

"If I am stingy, you can't eat one."

Hua Zi smiled. "Give me the last one, how?"

"Not how." Xiaozi ink categorically rejected his request.

He knows his temper too much. Once there is a second time, every time he can find a reason to ask for it.

"Zi Mo, you are very sad. When the hibiscus comes back, I will tell him that your kid bullies me and deducts my food." Hua Zi looked at him with grief.

The boy has a white eye, and sometimes he has an illusion that he is a brother, and he is a younger brother.

"Zi, how old are you?" Xiaozi ink suddenly asked a serious question.

"Ten years old."

"How old are I?"

"You are not..." Hua Zikai said here, his voice slammed and his eyes stunned. "Good boy, you have buried me."

Xiaozi ink looked at him innocently. "Isn't it true?"

Huazi lived.

This guy is really talking about it, picking up people, it is absolutely mad and not paying for life.

The carriage stopped at the entrance of the college and the two got off the bus in tandem. Just after getting off the bus, I heard a yin and yang sound coming from my side.

"Hey, who is this? This is not the first place in our children's test." A 12-year-old boy was surrounded by four or five people standing at the entrance of the academy and saw the boy. When you come, your mouth will show a sour taste.

Huazi’s brows wrinkled, and he wanted to go forward to teach the man, but he was stopped by Xiaozi’s ink.

"Go with him."

A few words, the kid is not in the heart.

Hua Zikai listened to Xiaozi’s ink and ignored their group.

They ignored it, but the group was even more unscrupulous, only when they were afraid of themselves.

Five people blocked the entrance and prevented the two from passing.

Hua Zi’s face was cold and he said: “Let’s go.”

(End of this chapter)

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