Chapter 2331 Real World 13

When the Governor of the Party saw the Eight Emperors opening his mouth, he could not help but ask: "Young Master, what happened?"

"On our way back to the government, I bumped into a person and caused the person to die. The driver said that the man himself rushed to the front of the carriage, and he was in time, did not let the horse hit his person, but the man died on the spot. ""

"It may not be strange to say this. Xu is not clear to the driver. It is strange to blame here. After the two of us entered the dungeon, the jailer directly connected us and the driver, and brought me into this fierce evil. The recidivism of the cell. These people see us directly, come up, want to be placed in our death."

Governor Fang and Zhou Zhifu are not idiots. The matter is eccentric. If there is nothing tricky, it is absolutely impossible. Hua Zikai is a prince, and Xu is someone who wants to kill people.

This matter is of great importance, and it must not be sloppy at all.

"Check, be sure to check."

If the Eight Emperors had something in his hands, he would not be able to protect his head.

Zhou Zhifu is also a person who is cold and sweaty and can be called the young master by the Governor General. There is no one other than the Emperor Longsun.

Zhou Zhifu secretly complained in his heart, and how things came out of his land.

"Bring the jailer up." Zhou Zhifu ordered.

Hua Zikai added, "Take the servant who will catch us back."

They had just happened, they arrived right away, and it was too fast.

"Yes, yes, yes." Zhou Zhifu repeatedly responded, and immediately ordered, "Go, bring the servant."

Zhou Zhifu said to the governor of Hua Zikai and Fang: "Young master, the dungeon is not clean, how do we change the place to interrogate?"

Huazi glanced at the dungeon. "I think this place is suitable for interrogation."

As soon as he spoke, they naturally did not dare to say anything. Zhou Zhifu immediately ordered the people below to clean up the interrogation room and wait for Huazi to pass.

Waiting for the northern rain and musk outside, they saw a group of servants carrying tea and snacks into the dungeon, and then saw a group of servants rushed into the dungeon.

Musk suspicion, "Mu Sister, is there something wrong with the prison?"

"Well, there is a situation."

Muxiang looked worried. "Will the young master and the young master have something to do?"

"They won't have anything, and others will be there." Bei Yu said softly.

Muxiang saw her calm expression on her face, doubts in her heart, but did not ask again.

In the interrogation room, Governor Fang and Zhou Zhifu let Huazi take the position of the presiding judge, but he was refused by Hua Zikai.

"I am white, this position is not suitable for me. This place is the place under the jurisdiction of Zhou Daren. It is most appropriate for him to come here."

Governor Fang saw that the Eight Emperors said this, but they did not feel unhappy, but instead showed their appreciation.

When Zhou Zhifu heard this, the cold sweat on his forehead was more and more.

"Lower officials, lower officials..."

Before he finished speaking, the Governor said: "If you have done it, you will do it."

Zhou Zhifu saw the Governor of the party saying that he naturally did not dare to quit, and sat in the position of the presiding judge. The governor sat on the side as an observer. As for the other two chairs, Hua Zikai and Xiaozi ink did not sit.

"We are involved in the case, it is not easy to sit."

Hua Zi nodded and agreed to this.

The jailer, the servant, and the middle-aged couple who were involved in the funeral were brought together.

(End of this chapter)

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