Chapter 2333 Real World 15

"You keep saying that he is holding your son in the palm of your hand, then what is this explanation?" The boy's bright eyes stared at the couple, and they yelled at each other.

Zhou Zhifu slammed a thriller, "I am not coming from the real thing."

"That, that is..."

Governor Fang snorted. "If you still don't tell the truth, the torture instruments here are used by you. If you want to try, you will close your mouth."

The middle-aged husband and wife couldn’t help but scare and squat on the ground, "The grown-up is forgiving. The grass-roots are also forced to helpless."

"How is the matter, engage in recruiting."

The middle-aged man knows that the lie has been debunked, and he can no longer afford it. Naturally, he dare not hide it. He honestly confessed. "At noon today, a servant gave us a bag of money, and asked us to apply to the tea house on Changsheng Street. Waiting before. When someone meets a horse-drawn carriage, the person who is hit by the road is my child. The grass people are greedy for money, but they are not harmful."

Zhou Daren looked at the servant, "What about you?"

The servant said with a hard scalp: "Adult, we happen to pass there."

“Coincident?” Zhou Daren sneered. “So far, you still don’t tell the truth.”

"Adult, it is a coincidence." The servant complained of bitterness and shouted.

"I remember that when a few seniors came over, they only listened to them and asked questions, but they asked us to wait. If they don't say anything, they will be held by us. If you can't say it, are you ready to be there before, just to catch us? Come back?" Hua Zi asked.

"That, that is a small dereliction of duty, and can't explain anything."

The master went to the ear of Zhou Zhifu and sighed a few words.

Zhou Zhifu shot a horror, and said coldly: "A good dereliction of duty. At this point in the past, you must patrol on Yongsheng Street. Why did you go to Changsheng Street today? Is it necessary for the official to find someone?"

"That, that's all coincidence."

Both Xiaozi Mo and Hua Zikai can see that there is a problem with this servant, but there is no evidence of a stone hammer to prove that he is lying, he can only cross him, starting from the direction of the jailer.

Hua Zikai handed a look to the Governor of Fang, and the Governor of the Party understood and reminded Zhou Zhifu.

Zhou Zhifu began to interrogate the jailer according to his words. "Talk about it, why do you want to keep them in heavy prisoners?"

"Adult, that's because it's because there are people in other cells, and the cell is the least."

Xiaozi Mo said: "On the way, there are four rooms in which only two or three people are held. I don't know if the jailer will not count."

The jailer immediately said, "They killed people and they were repeat offenders. The cell where the heavy criminals are being held is the least."

Hua Zikai chuckled. "Do you think that there is no way for you to say this? You are willing to take the rest behind you, and later you will see that you are dead, and the people behind you will not save you."

"Fang Daren, put those prisoners up, we have a way to let them tell the truth." Xiaozi ink began.

Zhou Zhifu saw their so determined look, knowing that they must be sure, and looking at the few people, reminding: "You have to think clearly. If you tell the truth about this matter, you can still save a life. Wait a minute. When they speak the truth, your little life will be gone, and your family will be implicated."

(End of this chapter)

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