Chapter 2338 Real World 20

He just feels similar, perhaps as the book says, there is a heavy rain coming.

More and more people came to wash in the morning, and the soldiers stared at everyone, preventing students from communicating.

After Xiao Moer and Hua Zikai separated, they each returned to the number.

After eating breakfast, when the drums sounded, the servants distributed the papers. Xiao Moer looked at the subject, similar to the child test, the test is the four books and five classics.

After the trial, I thought about it for a while and made a draft in the abdomen.

When Xiao Moer wrote an article, put down the pen in his hand, stretched his arm, and noticed that the sky was getting darker. He looked up and saw the dark clouds under the sky, and the air became hotter.

On the other hand, Hua Zikai wrote an article and wanted to rest. He also noticed that the sky has changed. Taking advantage of the clouds over the sky, the heart was amazed.

It’s really going to be a big rain!

Xiaomoer stood up and checked the roof of the house number again. There was no loophole. He carefully covered the already-written paper with a tarpaulin. After I got it, I started writing again. When I wrote it halfway, the wind hangs from the outside and rolls up the sand on the ground. Many students are not prepared to take care of them.

Xiaomoer squinted, holding the paper in one hand and blocking the eyes in one hand.

"Great wind."

"Looking at this day, it’s going to rain."

“It’s really bad, it’s raining.”


From time to time, the low number of complaints came from the number, and the voice was too loud, and the patrolling servants quit.

"Quiet, quiet, don't shout loudly."

Low and low voices, under the scolding of the servants, gradually no sound.

In the hall of the main hall, a group of officials headed by Zhou Zhifu sat in the house. After the wind blew, officials said: "It’s going to rain this day, not too small."

"It rains normally." Some officials did not care.

The officials of these invigilators have seen this time. It’s raining, how to test it.

Zhou Zhifu is somewhat worried, worried about whether the Eight Emperors can stand it.

When they talked about it, the sky blew a screaming thunder and a loud voice, and all the officials in the hall closed their mouths.

The wind and the wind, the pouring rain in an instant, the wind and the rain, suddenly falling, so many students who are answering a question are not enough.

"My paper."

Xiaomoer heard a mourning sound from the next door.

"Scorpio, my paper is wet."

"The rain is coming in."


One by one, the students hurriedly packed up the papers. Many people in the process of packing up, the surface of the rolls was covered with rain, the rain drenched the ink, and a written paper was instantly invalidated.

When Xiaomoer saw the discoloration of the sky, he was ready. He stopped writing early, and covered the paper with tarpaulin to prevent the rain from getting wet.

The same is true of Hua Zikai on the other side. The paper was collected early and placed on a small bed to prevent the paper from being ruined.

There are still a lot of students who do the same, but there are still many students who are in a hurry to make progress. When the rain comes, they have not made any preparations and ruined their own papers.

Xiaomoer heard a sigh of sorrow from the mouths of those students. Once the paper is smudged, or the surface is not fresh and clean, it will be put down directly, which is equivalent to falling out of the list.

Now they can only pray for the heavy rain to leave, so that they have enough time to re-write.

(End of this chapter)

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