Chapter 2405, the daughter of the sea 48

Since the belly black guy has said that his family property can be defeated by death, there is no need to pay for his money.

At the end of the charity auction, everyone began to communicate with each other, and countless people flocked to the wing and praised him.

"I went to the dressing room." Yu Yu whispered in his ear.

"I go with you."

Yu Yu resisted the urge to turn his eyes. "You are here to be honest with me."

I have to follow her in the last dressing room. It is shameful to think about it.

Fengyi saw that she didn't want to, and kissed her on her forehead. "Come back."

Feng Yi reluctantly looked away, Bei Yu sees his expression, a row of black lines across his forehead.

"The feelings of Mrs. Feng and Mrs. Feng are very good." Someone immediately said.

One of them smiled and asked: "I don't know which one is the daughter of the seal?"

In the country of the cloud, there is a famous family named surnamed North, but they have never heard of a woman in the north family called Beiyuyu.

The cold twilight of the winged wing looked at the person who asked the question, and the man who was shocked by his own thoughts was easily seen.

"She is the wife of my wing."

That means plainly telling everyone that no matter what her identity is, she has only one identity, that is, his widowed wife.

This identity is more important than any other identity.

The people present are all intelligent people, and naturally they can hear the meaning of his words, and no one asks that question without any interest.

Sakura saw the rain and left, followed her to leave the venue.

Also with her, Li Chuan, when he saw the North Rain, finally separated from the wing, and immediately chased it up.

After the rain came out of the make-up room, there was a rush of voice behind him. "Little rain."

Japanese cherry is preparing to come out from the corner. When I see the situation in the corridor, I subconsciously hide to the corner and watch it secretly.

The northern rain turned and saw the person behind him, wearing a waiter's uniform, and excitedly approached her.

"Little rain." Li Chuan looked at her insanely, and went forward to hug her.

Bei Yuyu saw his intentions, and his body often retreated and avoided his approach.

Li Chuan saw her move like this, and her eyes passed a cold light.

"Little rain, where have you been during this time? I don't know, I have been looking for you." Li Chuan stepped forward, and Bei Yuqi took a step back.

"Little rain." Li Chuan looked at her with a look of injury.

"Do you have anything to look for me?" said Bei Yuyu, who was so polite.

Li Chuan looked at her so alienated and heartbroken. "Little rain, you have changed. We used to be so close, why did you become so?"

"I have not changed, I just returned to normal." North Rain said coldly.

"Do you look down on me, so I deliberately alienated me?" Li Chuan only thought of this possibility.

When she thought that she and the wing were so close, he would be mad at jealousy.

"No. You think too much."

"Little rain, let me go with me. Don't go back to the wing. Like him, there are many women around him. He won't really be good to you. He is good to you now, just fancy you. Look, not really like you. Waiting for a long time, he tired of you, will definitely abandon you. You follow me, only I really love you." Li Chuan said the deep feelings.

(End of this chapter)

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