Chapter 2420 The daughter of the sea 63

Ma Zi can't believe that the boss dared to say such a thing, the other side is the wing, is the emperor of the city of H, he dare to ignore.

"Bago, if the wife who was later blocked knows that we are so abusing her friend, will it..."

The knife man swings his hand. "I have a lot of things in my heart."

Ma Zi saw him like this and no longer said anything.

After he left, the knife man took out his cell phone and found the northern rain by one phone after another.

"Is there a problem?"

After the knife coughed down, the cautious opening said: "This is the case. The kid in the room said it was your friend, he wanted us to let him go out to raise money."

"Since he has a way to raise money, let him call."

"In case he really took out the money?" Knife asked the man worried.

"Reassured, he can't get it."

Since she said so, the knife man was bold and did it.

After the horse was gone, Li Chuan was desperate, but did not expect to turn around.

"You can give you a chance. Whoever wants to pay you this money, make a quick call. There is only one chance. If you miss this time, you will have no chance."

"I want to call Mrs. Feng, she is my friend, she has money to help me gamble." Lichuan said in a hurry.

"Do you have a number?" Ma asked.

"I have, I have, put it on my previous cell phone. You brought my previous cell phone and there is her number inside."

He didn't have her number, but he just received a parcel the day before, with the number of the rain. He didn't know if anyone was going to engage in a conspiracy and didn't dare to dial.

Now he can only die as a horse doctor, I hope that the notes on the chapter are true.

Ma Zi reported the matter to the knife man, and the knife man was surprised.

It seems that there is really a lot of money between the man and Mrs. Feng.

"You don't rush to give him the number, I will call first."

Knife Man turned his head and dialed the phone of Bei Yuyu. "French wife, Li Chuan said that you have your number and are ready to call you for help."

"My number?!" North Rain is slightly surprised.

It seems that he was trying to get her number.

"Yeah." Knife Man obeyed her slightly surprised tone, apparently did not talk.

It seems that this kid named Li Chuan is very evil.

"Then let him play! Don't let him fight, he doesn't give up."

The past life relied on the little mermaid, and now still think about her.

Hey, people who don’t know think that he is the savior of the little mermaid.

The knife man dialed the number of Bei Yu's son for Li Chuan, and Li Chuan watched the phone turn on, and the eyes flashed with excitement.

"Little rain, it is me." Li Chuan was afraid that she would hang up the phone and said in a hurry: "This is the last time I called you. Can you listen to me first?"

"You say it."

Li Chuan proposed: "Some words I want to face you, now I am not convenient to say here."

"Meet, it's impossible. If it's okay, I will hang up."

"Don't, don't." Li Chuan hurriedly shouted. "I am having trouble now. I need to ask you to borrow some money, not a lot."

"How much?" The sound of the north rain was dull, and she could not hear her emotions.

Li Chuan saw that she did not refuse, she knew that there was hope, and her heart still had her own.

"five million."

(End of this chapter)

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