Chapter 2427 The daughter of the sea 70

When the door was pushed open, a middle-aged man walked into the house, and Li Chuan knew that he had to experience the inhuman torture.

That kind of torture from the body to the heart!

Once and for all, he was crushed under the man, and the actions were humiliated again and again. If his consciousness is unclear, he can be regarded as nothing, but his consciousness is clear, and everything that happens is clear.

It is because of clarity that he is suffering.

Day by day, I thought his life was destined to be spent under such inhuman torture.

Until one day, things turned around.

A man wearing a mask appeared in the room, and he looked down on Li Chuan.

"Do you want to leave?"

Li Chuan nodded without hesitation.

He wants to be out of control.

No matter what kind of mentality is in front of him, he will be saved. If he can leave here, he will be willing to pay anything.

He was so happy to promise that the mask man was surprised.

Knowing that he wants to get out of control, he didn't expect to be so eager to wait. He didn't even think about whether he would enter another wolf's nest.

"Close your eyes, you just have to sleep for a while, and when you wake up, everything will be different." The mask male finger swept past his eyes, his eyes did not feel closed, and soon fell asleep.


"Hey, don't you really go with me?"

Bei Yuyu looked at the man in front of him, quite helpless, and sometimes he was really childish.

"You are going to negotiate business. I am too awkward to follow."

"Who dares to disagree with you?" The wing is cold, as if something has prevented him from being with his wife.

"Just for half a day, hey, go."

During this period of time, Bei Yuqi knew from the mouth of Surou that the outsiders were saying that Feng Yi and her were like Siamese babies, saying that she was afraid of blocking the wings to find a woman, so she followed him all the time.

God knows that it is obvious that he has to pester her.

Although she did not care about the criticism of outsiders, it was too greasy to stick together every day. Occasionally, it is also necessary to give each other a little space.

Otherwise, how can she surprise him.

Knowing that next month is the birthday of the wing, Yu Yu began to figure out what gifts to send him. Finally, I decided to draw a picture for him.

However, this guy sticks to her every day, so she has no time to do it.

Today is a chance to catch the opportunity to push the guy who sticks to the car. Bei Yuyu went directly to the studio on the third floor and spread out the pen and paper.

Just started to pick up the pen, and the phone placed on the table sounded.

Bei Yu Yan looked at the phone and was a call from Surou.

She put down the pen and picked up the phone.

"Soft child."

"Oh." There was a hoarse voice on the other end of the phone.

“Who are you?” Bei Yu’s heart sighed.

"North Rain, if you don't want your friend to die, do it now as I said. Don't think about notifying the wing, or anyone else. If the wing returns from the Hakata Convention Center, your friend's life can be It’s gone."

"You are alone now, come to the center of the city. Don't play tricks. Once you let me discover what you have in the middle, kill your friends directly."

The north rainy face is cold and cool, "Let me talk to Surou."

Soon the voice of Surou came from the phone. "Rain, don't come over, don't..."

There was a slap in the back, mixed with the screams of Surou.

(End of this chapter)

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