Chapter 2434, Daughter of the Sea 77

After a success, Surou began to follow the command of the rain, and gradually opened the distance with the vehicles behind.

"Rain, we opened it." Surou looked happy, but after seeing the face of the rain, the smile on his face suddenly disappeared.

"Continue to keep it, or you will soon be overtaken by the vehicle behind you." The sound of Yu Yu is obviously weaker than before. It is very difficult to say such a thing.

Surou is very anxious, do not feel like stepping down the throttle.

"Be careful, hit the right side."

The car rubbed against the edge of the cliff and almost hit the rock that was raised in front.


"Nothing, you drive with peace of mind, don't think too much."

At this moment, the ringing of a mobile phone ringed, and the rainy weather saw the number above.

"Hey, where are you?"

As soon as it was connected, the end of the phone came with an anxious voice.

"We are now on the coastal road of Jiming Mountain, I..."


A gun rang and the Soviet Union and the North Rain were both shocked.

The **** naturally heard the gunshots and the heart was tight.

"Protect yourself, I will come right away."

There was no time for the Northern Rain to speak with the wings, only because the back began to intensively.

"Your Majesty."

Su Rougang squatted down and a bullet passed directly through the rear glass window, heading towards the driver's seat, which was fixed in front of the front glass window.

If she was a second later, the bullet penetrated her head directly.

“Concentrate on driving.”

The weak voice of the north rain, inexplicably made her feel very at ease.

Because of the dense bullets, let the rear car gradually catch up. Surou speeds up again, they are constantly avoiding bullets, and at the same time they have to try to open the car behind them.

At the same time, the wings listened to the intensive gunshots and the rapid brakes on the phone, and the whole heart was not raised high.

A car is heading towards the direction of Jiming Mountain. Whenever the passing vehicles and pedestrians see the trend, they can't help but look at each other.

The winged car drove fast, and it was so fast that people felt a gust of wind blowing in front of them. When they looked again, the car had disappeared.

On the other side, the north rainy side is in crisis.

The car behind it has already caught up. Bei Yuyu saw the direction of his pistol aiming and realized that he wanted to hit the fuel tank. Once he was hit by the fuel tank, they both died.

The sound of the north rain eagerly shouted: "Play a half circle to the right."

Su Roo paused for a second, the car slammed, the bullet did not hit the fuel tank, but it was so dead that he hit the tire directly. At this time, the speed was fast, and the whole body was directly smashed out.

"Ah!" Surou screamed.

The body of the North Rain was taken to the back of the front seat. When she fell, her first reaction was to open the door. The phone that fell in the corner heard an anxious voice.

"Hey, baby."



The man and the car fell into the sea together and sank instantly.

After falling into the water, the north rain slammed the door open and pulled Su Rou out of the car. Surou has changed his face because of lack of oxygen.

Just as soon as it was pulled out, Bei Yuyu quickly held Su Rou to the upper reaches. Just as soon as the head appeared, there was a bullet falling above.

He is really cautious, even if he is in the water, he is still not at ease.

She has no problems in the water, but Surou can't keep it.

The northern rain slammed Surou toward the depths of the sea, so that even if he had a gun, it would not help.

(End of this chapter)

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