Chapter 2450 The daughter of the sea 93

"You are not a good Sumen Island to raise a baby, how come back?" Bei Yu Yan took her away, the two slowly went to the villa.

"I am coming back, not because I saw the news." Surou is worried about her.

She really didn't think that the wing would actually be derailed. Once he was so loved by the rain, he was completely afraid of falling in his hand, and he was afraid of it.

But this is such a man, actually derailed.

Once she believed in the world that there was love in the world, but they made her doubt again. There is only a short love in the world, and there is no love forever.

"What the **** is going on? I don't believe in other people's words, I just want to hear what you said." Surou asked.

"It's like what you heard." The north rain whispered, the sound was calm, and it was hi or anger.

Although she was prepared in her heart, when she heard the words from the parties, she still couldn't believe it. This is true.

"Is there any misunderstanding in the middle?" Su said urgently.

"No misunderstanding."

Su Rou looked at the woman who was as calm as water, but her heart was hurting.

If she is angry, she curses, may make her feel better, but she is so calm, but she is even more distressed.

"If you are sad, crying will be better." Surou hurts her.

The northern rain is just a smile.

"Damn, I don't believe in love anymore. Rich men are big radishes, and men say they are farting. What is the pledge of the mountains, what is long and long, all are shit."

Su Rou became more and more angry, and finally his stomach hurt and finally scared the rain.

The doctor rushed to the doctor, and the doctor told them that the pregnant woman should be calm and not too excited.

Bei Yuyu counted her nose. "I really want to scare me. How is your temper so urgent?"

"Rain, we will live with the baby in the future, don't want those stinky men."

Bei Yuxi smiled and said: "I don't dare. Your family will cut me with a knife."

"He dares! He dares to do it to you, I cut him first." Su said with a domineering.

Bei Yuyu was laughed at by her. When the wings came in, I heard the laughter of the rain.

I haven’t heard this rain since I have been laughing for a long time.

The wings did not go in and turned and left.

Surou stayed in the family, accompanied her in the daytime to talk, and occasionally went out shopping.

On this day, the two walked on the street, and a beautiful woman suddenly appeared in front of them.

Su Rou recognized this person, she is one of the rumors of her girlfriend.

Surou subconsciously wants to take the rain and Sui and Tang to leave, and the other party seems to see their intentions.

The northern rain has caught Surou.

The woman came forward and smiled and looked at the north rain, with a hint of contempt in her eyes. "Fat, I don't want to introduce me, you already know who I am."

The conceited and arrogant tone made Su soft.

Waiting for Surou’s opening, Bei Yuyu first said: “Who are you?”

"You!" The woman blinked, but soon she recovered calmly and smiled. "Fat, I am here today, I have something to tell you. I already have a child, I and Feng. Really love, please don't wrap around the seal, he has not loved you. My baby and I are his most important person."

(End of this chapter)

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