Chapter 2453 Sea Daughter 96

[Host, with your cleverness, haven't you seen it long ago? 】

"Yeah, look out."

But even if I knew it, my heart was still uncomfortable.

She couldn't tell the difference, whether it was because of his coldness, or the appearance of the woman, which made her uncomfortable, or because she was about to leave, and was uncomfortable. Or, there is between the two.

Looking at the stagnation between her looks from the floating image in the void, my heart sighed.

The thing of love, even if it is a sane, intelligent person, will become different from oneself once it is encountered. I already knew it in my heart, but I was still worried in my heart. I was worried that everything was true and I doubted my judgment.

For their system, they don't realize the so-called love. Love is like a host virus. Once a host is in love with someone, it is easy to get rid of it.

He has seen too much, too much, because he fell in love with a person with a plane, and thus lost himself. In the follow-up tasks, he also thought about the former people, causing his own tasks to fail, thus killing the dead.

"fair enough."

The north rain sighed.

Although she did not know why he did this, she faintly guessed that because of her physical condition, she was not clear about the specific reasons.

Since he has let her go, it is as he wishes.

It’s just this time to leave, not just leaving from his side, but completely leaving the world.

"Ming, go..." Her words have not been finished, and her eyes are attracted by a mermaid that floats on the sea.

Strange, how the mermaid will appear here.

And not one or two, but three or four.

At this time, a mermaid that had just surfaced, re-drilled into the sea and said to other people: "I just saw a human being, and the human being seems to see me. What should I do? Will she call someone to catch we?"

"Don't worry, don't worry. Maybe she didn't see you?"

"I went up and sneaked a glimpse." Among the few of them, one of the oldest mermaids said.

The mermaid sneaked out his head and saw a man standing on the shore. The man had a long blue hair. When he saw her face, the light was a little light.

"Little rain."

The man recognized the identity of the Northern Rain.

Bei Yuyu also heard the voice of the man. She knew their concerns. She opened her mouth and sang the song that the mermaid would sing. The mermaids in the sea heard the song, one by one.

"She is our people."

One by one, the mermaid came out and swam towards the shore.

Bei Yuyu watched them come ashore and turned into human beings. One of the mermaids hugged forward. "Little rain, it is really you. Where have you been in the past three years?"

"I live here." Bei Yuyu opened the memory of the little mermaid and recognized several people in front of him.

"It's really Xiao Yuer's sister. I just looked a little familiar, but I didn't think it was really Xiao Yuer's sister." The little mermaid said happily.

Looking at such a simple person, it is not difficult to imagine how simple the rain is.

"How come you all land?"

There are regulations in the mermaid family that the people cannot go ashore and stay away from the crowd. However, every few hundred years, there are always one or two mermaids breaking the ring. However, as many mermaids come ashore together, it is unique.

(End of this chapter)

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