Chapter 2462 Chapter 1

One day, when I returned to China, I saw her on the street. The joy in my heart just rose, and it was broken by the man around her who was pestering her.

He stared at the kid and listened to the sweet words he said to her.

He knows that girls like to listen to such sweet words, and she will not be fooled by the sweet words of the kid.

As soon as he thought of this possibility, he had a anger in his heart and wanted to destroy the impulse of the man.

Later, I learned from other people's mouth that the woman was not deceived by the kid, and there was a hint of hilarity in his heart.

That night, just one to eleven, he couldn't wait to call her.

He asked a question. When asked about the exit, he was shocked to see what he said.

"What kind of man do you like?"

He even wants to ask if you like people like him. However, he did not dare to ask. Because he was a little scared, afraid to hear an answer that made him unacceptable.

He sometimes thinks, what is wrong with himself?

Suddenly, I became suffering and became violent, and I became more and more like myself.

This change is all because of her.

The bet on her is getting more and more. Sometimes when she visits the mall, she sees a certain piece of jewelry. It seems that she will look beautiful when she wears it.

Sometimes when I see a beautiful dress, I think she must look good when she wears it.

He bought all of them and wanted to give them, but he didn't dare to send them.

On that day, she sang a song, a song that shocked him, and the song accompanied him for thousands of years.

He asked her, the source of the song.

She told herself that the song was taught by someone and the name was forgotten.

He has the feeling that she didn't tell the truth, but he didn't smash her lies.

A few days later, he took her to see a scene. Although she knows that she can't like Shang Jiang San Shao, he still doesn't trust, he wants to annihilate everything in the cradle.

The next day, she looked at his box on the stage and said a word.

"Today's song, I want to give it to someone."

This is the first time she has given him something to make him ecstatic.

When the song rang, the surrounding scene changed, and his eyes seemed to have a vague illusion. A teenager stared at someone in deep affection.

At that moment, he seemed to be the teenager, full of expectation, nervousness, and awkward eyes on the woman in the distance.

Gradually the sight of the moment is combined with reality.

He saw the tears of the woman on the stage.

At that moment, he suddenly realized that she was the one she had been waiting for.

All his emotions are caused by her.

He could no longer control his inner desires, and he rushed to the stage and took her into his arms.

She did not push open and did not refuse his touch.

He felt that she also had a feeling for herself, just like she felt the same about her.

This cognition made him ecstatic.

That taste makes him feel that the boring wait for thousands of years is worth it.

He took her hand and didn't want to loose it for a moment. When she proposed to leave, he was unwilling to fight from the bottom of his heart.

She said that it is not appropriate for their male unmarried women to marry.

He instantly thought of getting married.

Although that paper marriage certificate is of little significance to him, he likes to look at the feeling that he and her name are juxtaposed.

(End of this chapter)

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