Chapter 2466 Real World 2

After Xue Qian realized the meaning of his actions behind him, he was really ashamed and embarrassed.

He no longer cares about the pain of his arms, re-raise his axe and start chopping wood.

Musk gradually saw the doorway, looking at the eyes of the young master with a different look. Sure enough, if she is replaced by her, she will only say a few words.

The young master’s move is completely bottom-up, and it’s even more unspeakable. It’s going to be swallowed with tears.

Waiting until the evening, a family of three in the north rains was eating in the hall, and Xue Qian was tired and hungry. I don't know what the people in the house are eating, and the smell can smell even if it is so far away.

The dishes made by the northern rain today are deliberately rich in flavor.

Xiao Moer knows the purpose of her mother when she looks at these dishes.

One big and one small, the two are unaware of it, but Muxiang knows nothing about it.

This scent can be bitter outside the house.

He is not a person with a heavy appetite, but today his locusts are hooked out by the scent.

However, looking at the firewood in front of me, there was a bitter smile on the face. He never knew that the firewood was so tired.

Musk came out with leftovers left in the room and rudely placed in front of him.

"Don't starve to death, let us carry human life."

Xue Qianben wants to say thank you, listen to her words, don't know what to say.

He took a sip of his meal, his eyes lit up, and the next second began to gorge. A bowl of rice, he did not want to eat it.

The family's meals are not only smelling, but also eating more fragrant.

He took the bowl to the kitchen and just walked to the door, just hearing the people in the room talking about him.

"Mu sister, didn't you say that he wouldn't give him food? Why do you want to give him?" Muxiang hated this person very much. If they were alert enough, they would die in the hands of those monks. The reason for the blame was because Xue Qian .

"He is a big man, even a five-year-old child is not as good. That firewood, replaced by a young master, an hour is fixed. Then he is not yet done. He is able to bear this. What can be done." Muxiang can degenerate him.

Xue Qian, who stood outside the house, heard her counts and was ashamed and embarrassed.

"Shu Xiang sister, although he is not very good at work, but the rice is still given." Xiao Moer said.

Xue Qian, who was outside the house, heard this sentence and was moved by his heart.

This little son is really kind.

It’s very unpleasant.

Xiao Moer and the eyes of Bei Yu’s eyes lingered at the door, and the two exchanged their eyes silently.

Did not give him food, no strength, but they lost, how to toss him later. Now let's lighten it first, then step by step. Slowly, she will let him regret to be with her.

Xue Qian listened for a while, and waited until they didn't talk about himself again. This came in from outside the door.

He just put the bowl down and was about to go out and was stopped by the musk.

"These bowls, you come to wash."

Xue Qianxi lived, "I wash?"

"Yes, you wash. There are regulations in our family. Whoever eats the last one, who will wash the bowl. You are the last one to eat well, is it rare that you are not washing?"

What Xue Qian can say, can only pick up his sleeves and start washing dishes.

Just halfway through the wash, I heard the sound of ping-pong in the kitchen.

A group of three people from Bei Yuyu walked to the kitchen and saw the broken plates on the floor. Xue Qianyi looked at them with a sigh of relief.

"I, I, I didn't mean it."

(End of this chapter)

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