Chapter 2468 Star Trek 1

She slowly explored the room where she was in her hand. After measuring it by hand, she found out that she was in a place. It was not a house at all, but at most it was a small box.

After a person enters, he must curl up his body, cannot stand upright, can't stand upright, and can only curl up his body.

It is safe to temporarily determine this small space, and the Northern Rain begins to receive information.

After fifteen minutes, Bei Yuxi received all the information, but she did not wake up for a long time. After half an hour, Bei Yuyan opened his eyes and his eyes were full of sorrows.

Perhaps, in all the planes that I have experienced, this plane will be very magical. Here you can get close to the Milky Way and see a life-filled planet system.

The civilization here is highly developed, with a fleet of thousands of miles, a destructive fighter comparable to that of the Jindan monks, and a powerful human body that is not familiar to her.

All civilizations here are highly developed and have surpassed all modern civilizations she has seen before. In the eyes of the interstellar residents here, modern civilization is an ancient period.

These novelty things, just to the North Yu Yan, just sigh, the real thing that has not let her back for a long time is the memory that the original Lord passed to her.

Those memories are too vulgar, too cruel, with the negative emotions of the original Lord, impacting her brain.

The original main north rain 棠 is an ordinary resident living on the water blue planet. Like other interstellar residents, she has reached a certain age and marries and has children.

Her tragedy began when she knew her husband.

Her husband, Wu Yanjun, is a low-level engineer who earns meager income and lives in distress. The original Lord Yu Yu and he met at a gathering of friends.

People who like them both like others.

Two people who lost their love, after chatting about the day, gradually discovered that the person they liked was being driven by someone they liked.

The boss who likes Yu Yujun smashes the woman that Wu Yanjun likes, and the two people who are connected with each other, cherish each other and gradually walk together.

On the day when their favorite people got married, they didn't know what kind of mentality they had, and they got married on that day and became a legitimate couple.

The ability of Beiyuyu is very good. The former boss Qian Feng was originally her subordinate. It was because he pleased her and pursued her, so she quickly fell in love.

Their company can't fall in love with colleagues, they can only secretly fall in love.

In order to make Qian Feng get promoted, Beiyuyu gave up her attention and gave up many opportunities that belonged to her. He let him climb up step by step and eventually climbed to her top and became her top boss.

However, the good times are not long, and their love affair is met. In order to catch up with the person before the report, the two discussed who resigned and left.

The final result is the northern rain.

Before she left, Qian Feng vowed to the sky and would marry her through the door, which would be good for her. However, after half a year of her departure, Qian Feng was derailed.

When he was hit by a north rain smashing into a high-level place where he was paired with other women, Qian Feng simply did not break up with her and broke up with her.

Bei Yuyi disagreed, and he ruthlessly swept her out.

That family was bought by Bei Yuyu. At that time, I thought that the two would become husband and wife in the future. In his sweet words, he registered his name.

However, I never thought that one day he would drive her out so ruthlessly.


Ps: the penultimate plane!

Ps: This bite story is a miserable encounter between the female hostess and is a fusion of two real events.

Friendly reminder: No matter how much you love the man, the girl needs to know how to protect herself. Like this kind of money to buy a house, write the stupid thing about the other name, don't do it.

Some people will say that there are people like this in reality?

Have! Still a lot!

I once saw a news, after a girl’s house was bought, she was registered under the name of her boyfriend who was married. However, the marriage has no achievements. The house she bought for herself became the wedding room for her boyfriend and girlfriend, and she didn’t get anything.

(End of this chapter)

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