Chapter 2473 Star Trek 6

"Tomorcheon Tokugawa said, as long as you replace his son in the past. He will let Yao Hui enter the first school of StarCraft and let the head of Yanjun Component Company."

"You don't love them very much. Since you are going to spend the rest of your life in prison, why not change places, you can fulfill both of them. We will remember your good, and when you die, we will give a monument."

Because of the relationship between drugs, Bei Yuyu has been unable to speak, and when he completely fainted, his eyes were deeply engraved with the smug, arrogant smile of Shi Xiaoshi.

When the North Rain waking up, he was sent to the spaceship to the Black Prison Planet. She showed her identity to the guards several times, but they ignored it.

She knew that these people were bought by the Tokugawa.

The drug taken by Bei Yuying is a kind of illegal drug researched in the interstellar universe. After taking it, the person can change the gender. This gender is not long-lasting and can only last for three months.

Once three months have passed, the original character will be restored. After restoring gender, various side effects occur.

Some people will become dumb, some people will be incompetent from this, some people will lose all kinds of side effects such as pain or taste.

When this drug was first introduced, it was only for those who had special hobbies to take it. It was a fun-loving drug that satisfies their perverted desires and can have various side effects after they have eaten.

Therefore, this drug is listed as a banned drug in the Star Alliance.

Bei Yuyu took this medicine and didn't worry about any side effects because she didn't know if she could live for three months.

The Black Prison Planet, which holds the heavy criminals in the entire interstellar universe, will be sent to the prisoners where they are guilty of evil, and they will be left to death.

They are the entire interstellar cancer, and even the Starfighting Army is not willing to provoke this group of people.

It is difficult and difficult for newcomers to survive on the Black Prison Planet. Many new prisoners will be killed by the people there when they are placed on the Black Prison Planet.

Killing people there, no one will manage. If you want to live there, you have to be more than anything else.

The original Lord thought that if he didn't die at first, he would definitely die after three months.

When they were placed on the Black Prison Planet, when they came to the door, she was ready to wait for death, but the group seemed to see her heart of death, but she was not allowed to die. Instead, she abused several others. criminal.

The original Lord had a very terrible daily fear. As time went by, and the three-month deadline came, the original master showed a feminine body.

Imagine a woman suddenly appearing in a prison of heavy criminals holding countless wicked people, and it is still a woman who grows good.

The life span of interstellar humans has grown from the previous one hundred years to three hundred years old, and the people in this prison are shutting down criminals who are constantly coming from major planets.

Many of these criminals have been detained for decades or even hundreds of years. Every boy who is a little beautiful here is a fairy-like beauty in the eyes of those people.

When one day, a woman suddenly appeared in the world of men, what would happen?

Her appearance has caused the entire prison to boil.

The original Lord died on these people and died in a miserable way.

(End of this chapter)

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