Chapter 2487 Star Trek 20

Everyone in the prison heard the voice, and everyone’s face became very ugly.

Hu Si turned and ran, but he just took a step and was caught by a slender arm and then dragged into the iron gate. Hu Si had no ability to resist, and the man disappeared behind the black iron gate.

The northern rain has changed its face and fled quickly.

The arm came too fast, so fast that it was too late to react.

The northern rain squat only felt a sinking on the shoulders, as if a mountain was pressed against her, making her unable to move. In the next second, Bei Yuyu was dragged into the room where he could not see the fingers like everyone else.

In the two breaths that were dragged in, Bei Yuyu thought of a lot of self-help methods, but did not think of a satisfactory one.

Although the mysterious person gave her a feeling of security in the memory of the original master, it was another matter for Bei Yu.

‘嘭’, the northern rain 棠 was heavily discarded on the ground.

Fortunately, her body is strong, otherwise she will fall off at this speed and this height.

Bei Yuyu looked at the darkness around him. Because of the practice of cold ice palm, his vision is much better than ordinary people. In this place where there is no trace of light, the northern rain can see a vague outline.

She saw a few people lying on the cold floor, these people are the hands of Hu Si. In addition to a few living things, there is also a sacrum on the ground, which has been eroded very hard.

In addition to these in the big room, I can't see anything else. As for the mysterious man, I don't know where it is.


Suddenly, there was a scream in the empty and dark room.

That voice is Hu Si.

She looked in the direction of the sound and saw that there was a door inside. The voice of Hu Si came from inside.

The cry of Hu Si stopped short.

Those who stunned on the ground woke up.

"Where is this?"

"How is it so dark?"

“Is there anyone?” The criminal who woke up first shouted in the darkness.

The northern rain owl saw a man grabbed the man and then dragged it into the back door, followed by a scream of screams coming out of the room.

The second and third people were awakened by the screams, and the two opened their eyes.

"Is anyone there?"

Both of them opened at the same time.

"Are you okay?"

The two asked again.

The joy of the two has not been maintained for two seconds, and their hands have more hands on their shoulders. The next second, the two hands dragged the two into the back room.

The horror of horror sounded again, this time lasting longer than the last time.

It was impossible for the northern rain to imagine what they had experienced behind the door.

The people who are fainting on the ground wake up in succession, and they disappear in succession. Through these people, Bei Yuyu seems to have discovered a pattern. As long as he does not make a sound and does not disturb the people inside, there should be no problem.

The north rains are quiet and do not make a sound.

Sure enough, the long, surprising hands no longer appear.

She looked for a place, sitting down slowly, thinking constantly in her mind, how to get rid of the predicament.

There is some suspicion in the north rain, and the legendary mysterious person is most likely not a normal human. Normal human arm cannot extend to such a length.

Perhaps, the legend is not a legend.

(End of this chapter)

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