Chapter 2499 Star Trek 32

"What do you mean?" The burly man is still a face.

The black three sons despised him and explained: "The little guy seems to be standing still, but in fact his speed is so fast that your eyes have an illusion, and he does not feel that he is moving."

A few big cockroaches naturally saw the doorway, but they still couldn't believe that the world really had such a fast speed.

"His physique is definitely AA level, and only people of that level can do it." Some people guessed.

The AA level is higher than the A level, but it does not reach the S level.

Long Erye said: "No, his physique is definitely more than AA."

Long Erye used to be at the Star Military Academy. He has seen many geniuses. Fortunately, he has seen a rare AA genius. That person's physique is much more powerful than the A level, but far from the horror that the little guy showed.

The black three son smiled and said: "Second Lord, you should not say that the little guy is S-level."

Although this is the case, the three prisoners have the answer in mind.

S level, that is a rare physique, a rare trait that has been seen for thousands of years. If this matter is known to the Star Alliance or the Star Empire, they will definitely come and fight.

On the field, the north rain squatted on the box and watched the small **** throw them all out one by one. Although he knows that he is very likely to be the legendary mysterious person, after seeing his fighting power, he is already 100% sure.

After half an hour, no one dared to go forward. Everyone looked at the small wing with jealousy.

"That man is a monster!"

"The wing is the kid, and now it’s a small one."

"I see the days of this black prison have changed."


The people watching the war have been talking about it, and everyone has seen it. The combat power of the small wing is far superior to that of the other three prisoners. If you want to dominate the black prison, it is not impossible.

Xiao Fenyi saw no one coming, and turned happily. "Brother, am I amazing?"


The northern rain and the small wing lost half of the fruit and carried the other half of the fruit back.

Since then, the entire black prisoner has not dared to provoke them. Every time they put food, they will let them go, wait for them to choose first, and then they will start to fight.

As for the January period, the three prisoners are very tacit and do not know what to do. Three prisoners and a newly elected prisoner, they all want to please them and want to win them.

I don’t know what to do in the rain, and they naturally understand that they are not boring.

An An has been stable for two months, and the northerly rainy ice palm has also successfully broken through the fourth weight. The strength and cultivation have been greatly increased. Even without a small flap, she can deal with four prisoners.

In the third month, a batch of troops came to the Black Prison Planet.

The black prison planet is barren and unsuitable for living, but this place is rich in rare ore - black magnet. This black magnet is used as a weapon and is very harmful to the Zerg.

All prisoners in the black prison must go to mine, and each person will get the corresponding points when they have a certain amount of mines. When the points reach a certain percentage, there will be a chance to go out.

In order to prevent the prisoner from monopolizing the points of others, the whole process is monitored by the Starfighting Army. Once someone discovers that someone will transfer the black magnet to other people, the points of both sides will be cleared.

(End of this chapter)

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