Chapter 2538 StarCraft Prison 71

This stinky girl, the most loved and his robbed sister, is really annoying.

Bei Yuyu felt the sadness of someone on the side of his body and reached out and began to give him a smooth hair.

The emotion of the small **** of dissatisfaction disappeared instantly.

Just as he enjoyed his sister's special care, Xiao Nana looked at him and grabbed the hand of Bei Yu's hand. He looked at her bright eyes and looked at her with eagerness.


When the rain turned around, he turned to the little guy who was so cute. The heart had already been germinated by her. Let’s take a kiss on her little face.

Xiao Nana was called happy, secretly glanced at the black face and the small flap, and the punctured rushed to release a proud little expression.

The little wing is called anger!

"Sister, you don't love me." Xiaofeng winged his mouth and looked at her pitifully.

Look at him in the north rain, and look at the little Nana, it is so helpless.

These two guys really love to compete.

The north rains are not thick, and they each kissed each other on the faces of the two.

How can the two little guys be satisfied, they have not yet scored high or low.

When their preparation for the dark poke was made, the light brain rang.

Bei Yu’s heart shouted in the heart and came just right.

The northern rain picks up the light brain, and Yin Jun appears in the sky.

"According to your instructions, I have already cheated her money." Yin Jun is very happy, and has to say that the method she used is very useful, but it can be used more than the methods I used before.

"Very good. I will transfer it to you for your reward." Bei Yu saw his words and stopped. "What else?"

"You taught me how can I..."

Waiting for him to finish his words, Bei Yuyi interrupted himself. "No. From now on, if I find out that you will lie to the woman again, your evidence of deception will appear in front of the police station, together with your whereabouts. ""

Yin Jun changed his face. "I don't want your reward, you let me go."

If he is not allowed to cheat again, what will he eat in the future?

"The assets you have now are enough for you to do some small business yourself. You are not stupid, why do you deceive? You have not been found now, it is your luck. If one day, after you are caught, you Grandma who comes to take care of it. Use the money you have in your hands to live a life."

Yin Jun is silent.

"Don't be lucky. If one day, I find that you will come out and lie, I will say it."

After Yin Jun’s silence for a long time, he began to say: “Well, I promise you, I will not come out to cheat again in the future.”

North Rain has just hanged up, and the light brain is on again.

There is a beautiful woman in the void. She doesn't have to do anything. She just stands there and can feel a fascinating style.

This woman is amazing. Just seeing Wu Yaohui on both sides, she will be unable to find Wu.

Everything she wants, Wu Yaohui will send her to her in the first time.

Bei Yuyu was looking for her, but she did not expect her to find herself first.

"Wu, what happened?"

Wu Ya said: "Wu Yaohui asked me to marry me today. I am afraid that if I drag on, he will be suspicious. When will we start?"

"You can start." Bei Yuyu gave instructions.

"Good. It can be considered to get rid of this annoying guy. A man who doesn't understand anything, but also likes to wear it." Wu Na knows about Wu Yaohui and Wan Lili, like this **** man, is the most annoying of Wu Na's life. People.

At the beginning, I promised to pass through the rain, and a large part of it was to learn from the lessons of Wu Yaohui, let him know that women are not good bullies.

(End of this chapter)

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