Chapter 2555 Star Trek 88

Although the larvae were fragile, they saw the larvae crushed so easily that they had to look at the wings again.

The more people look at this, the more they look like ancestors!

The only difference is that the ancestors are not so small.

"I want to thank you for this incident. If it weren't for you, I am afraid I will be controlled by the Zerg."

"This zerg is fortunately still only at an early age. If I let it grow for a while, I can't do anything about it."

After the rain, it was discovered that after the Zerg grew up, small firepower could not kill it.

In the evening, Bei Yuyu opened the light brain and entered the StarWorld page to start searching for the Black Prison Planet. On the Star Network, the most important thing about the Black Prison Planet is the Black Prison Prison and the prisoners held there.

The Black Prison Planet should not be that simple. She has a faint feeling that the secret of the Black Prison Planet is most likely related to the small wing.

Bei Yuyu was very patient and turned down a little. He wanted to find out about the 5,000-year-old black prison prison. He found a lot of reports about the completion of the Black Prison.

One of the reports caused the attention of the Northern Rain, and the contents contained a detailed record of the history of the development of the Black Prison Planet, from the beginning to the destruction.

History is not very detailed, the only thing worth noting is that the family is from the black prison planet.

The next day, Beiyu went to the Star Library, where Paul Vientiane, the history of the major races, the universe, and various classics and medical books.

Through the robot, Bei Yuyu quickly found a history of the development of the Black Prison Planet from ancient times to the present.

Her patient page turned over, and when she turned to fifty pages, the movements in her hands slowly eased until she stopped.

This this……

Bei Yuyu looked incredulously at the history of modern civilization described in the book. The former black prison planet was actually called Akagi Planet.

The same name, a family at the same time, is there such a coincidence in the world?

"Ming, what is going on here? Isn't it a change to a plane world, why is there a redwood planet here?"

[Host, three thousand world does not represent three thousand different systems, some plane world is divided into ancient, medium-term civilization, late civilization, and more advanced civilization. As each civilization emerges, it naturally forms another plane. 】

"What you mean is the demise of the Redwood planet, which forms a new plane system."

【Correct. 】

Seal the family, the black prison planet...

Bei Yuyu hurriedly left the Star Library.

Once I got home, I found the seal directly. Feng Yan looked at the north rain slamming into the house suddenly, and his eyes flashed a bit of surprise.

"But what happened?" asked Feng.

Bei Yuyu closed the door. "I ask you a question. I hope you tell me truthfully. Who is the sealer?"

A look at the seal, "What do you ask for this?"

"Tell me, who are you from?" Bei Yuqi asked again, looking cold.

The seal was shocked by the sudden change of her body, and an invisible sense of oppression came straight.

The body was unconsciously leaning back and looked awkward. "This is what we have to do with the family. I can't tell you."

"Then I ask you, you only need to answer yes and no."

Feng Yu knows that he does not agree, he can't go out.


"Is the winged ancestor of your family?" Bei Yu's heart was slightly tight.

(End of this chapter)

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