Chapter 2571 I am just an egg 6

Dragons like golden things, gold and silver jewelry, and it is a deadly attraction for him. This attraction is bigger than beauty.

Whoever dares to move his treasure, even if he takes a gold coin, he can chase you to the sky and engulf you.

If you join him, he will not be angry, but if you dare to move his treasure, it is definitely more serious than his life.

He is a very, very loving family of wealth, depending on the wealth.

Even when I go to sleep, I like to go to sleep in the golden Jinshan Yinshan. If I want to use a word to describe him, it is a miser.

He also has a hobby, that is to eat.

I like to eat all kinds of spirit beasts, as long as they are all the beasts.

As for the outside world rumors that he likes to eat the beauty of the spiritual master, you can say no. After seeing him, those women were scared to death in all likelihood, and those who were not dead were eaten by other spirit beasts.

The dragon does not like to eat people. In his words, there are too few meat stuffing teeth, not to mention that the women are too noisy and they have no appetite at all.

In addition to the above two points, this black dragon also likes to sleep, and is lazy. Basically, I ate and slept, slept and ate, and had nothing to do.

Occasionally hungry, I will go out and fight for a tooth festival.

His life can be said to be very monotonous, very monotonous, like the same beach of stagnant water.

Raiders are such a dragon, it is really a difficult task.

Now I can't say what the strategy is. The only thing I have to do is to let this black dragon classify her as a person and stay with him for a long time.

The first step is to get his trust first.

This step is also the hardest step.

From the mode of the original Lord and his relationship with the North, he found a way. The original master can stay with him for so long. It can be said that her stupid and cute pattern can best reduce the vigilance of the black dragon.

Once the vigilance is reduced, slowly attack and let him classify himself as his own. This is convenient for the second step after having a family member.

The North Rain was wrapped in an egg and was not idle, and began to develop a series of plans.

In the heart of the draft, with a preliminary plan, the thing to do now is how to get out from here.

Broken shells are dangerous and immature.

I don't know if she can make a cold ice palm as an egg, and absorb the aura outside by the inner workings of the cold ice palm.

After having the idea, Bei Yuxi said that he would do it and start experimenting with cultivation.

After a day of cultivation, Bei Yuyu gave up.

No feeling at all, no effect.

It seems that it is restricted, and the non-human body does not seem to work. This is true no matter which plane world you are in.

Now is an egg. How can I let that evil dragon let go of her egg?

The northern rain 棠 began to meditate, most of the ideas I had made before came out, but the idea of ​​being an egg is really not.

An egg, let a heartless dragon drop it.

This is really a very painful problem.

Before there is no feasible plan, Bei Yuying temporarily hides his own shadow under the pile of gold and silver treasures. When it comes out, he will not be late.

The northern rain smashed the attention, did not move, and stayed in the Jinshan Yinshan with peace of mind.

I don't know how long it has been, the quiet treasure cave, with the wake of the dragon, the gold and silver jewels of the entire cave have moved.

(End of this chapter)

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