Chapter 2580 I am just an egg 15

The egg is raining in the north.

"I am going to find you something to eat." The black dragon has a tail and throws it directly into the bottle.

"Oh, wait."

If you are looking for food, you have to find it. You have to throw her into the bottle.

After he left, Bei Yuyu was too lazy to come out of the bottle and stayed in it to start practicing. Although you can't practice the cold ice palm, you can try other exercises.

Wait, the concentration of this aura seems to be more than the outside.

The northern rain rushed out of the colorful treasure bottle, and breathed in the vicinity of the bottle. There was no concentration of aura.

She returned to the colorful treasure bottle, and the aura inside was still strong.

It seems that the problem is that it appears on this colorful bottle, it should be the effect of the colorful treasure bottle.

This discovery made Bei Yuyu like to stay inside to practice.

Half a day later, the black dragon flew back to the cave, seeing it stay in the bottle honestly, and pour a small bottle of spirit into the bottle.

The northern rains are absorbing aura, and suddenly a huge aura hits.

That huge impact, suddenly saturating her energy.

The northern rain stopped the absorption and rushed out of the bottle.

"Just kill me, kill me."

The black dragon looked at an egg jumping up and down in the hole and turning the circle.

"To be killed, you have to be killed."


"Ha ha ha ha." Black Dragon laughed and said, "It's a stupid."

When it stopped, the big faucet came close to it, and the longan stared at the egg, carefully looking up and down.

"How didn't you get bigger?"

"Because you just started to eat, how can you grow up so easily?" The soft and soft voice is scornful.

"Then go eat."

The dragon tail pushed gently and urged it to take a bath.

The egg will not move, just lie on the Golden Mountain.

"I can't eat it. If I eat it again, I will be killed. After I die, the taste of the egg will not be good. You don't want to eat dead eggs?"

"Dead eggs, live eggs, are eggs. Anyway, you can eat." Black Dragon does not matter.

This stupid dragon...

The north rain is speechless.

"Why don't you pay attention to it." An undead egg opened the Tucao mode. "I heard that the more you are generally embarrassed, the lower the lower the beast is, the less careful you are. Is your grade low?"

The black dragon eye slammed, and the dragon claw directly poked the idiot. It is necessary to tell it that he is amazing.

"Stupid, you remember that Benlong is the only living dragon on the whole continent. It is a dragon with a godhead. None of those human spiritual practitioners can beat me. Three thousand years ago, the strongest and one of the mainland The spirit beasts want to kill Benlong, and finally they are directly killed by Benlong. Also, a thousand years ago, there was a fox who didn’t know how to be good, she dared to smash the dragon’s treasure hole, Ben Long directly...”

[The glory record from the Black Dragon 10,000 words is omitted here. 】

After the stupid dragon finished, he was excited to wait for the voice of a fool.

"How? I am not very good?" Black Dragon looked at the egg with a smug look.

The egg did not speak silently, as if it had not been heard.

The black dragon is filled with sorrow. "You won't be scared by Ben Long's record? Hahaha, it's normal to be scared. Usually no one is scared to hear the dragon's record of the beasts and humans."

Said, the black dragon poked the egg.

There is still no movement in the eggs.

The black dragon's eye squats slightly, what is going on? Why didn't you have a half-day reaction?

(End of this chapter)

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