Chapter 2609 I am just an egg 44

"She will be in danger?" Black Dragon is full of sarcasm. "I think she still has premeditated. She dares to run away. Don't let Benlong find it. After finding her, she will peel her skin and cook it."

The Condor beast stood by and did not dare to scream again.

Black Dragon swept his eyes to him. "Call all the high-level spirit beasts in the mountains. Let them all go out and find out, who can find her, Benlong can promise it a promise."

The eagle beast was shocked. It seems that the escape of the little snake was really touching his reverse scale.


As the Condor beast conveys the command of the Black Dragon, in the endless mountains, all the spirited spirits that began to open are searching for the whereabouts of the Northern Rain.

A month later, the entire mountain range was searched, and she did not find her. As for whether anyone saw her, there was none.

It seems that after she went ashore, she completely disappeared and evaporated from this world.

The Condor beast leaned on the side of the Black Dragon and said carefully: "Can an adult, a small master go to the Terran's territory?"

Since there is no such thing as a stretch of mountains, she must have gone to the place where the Terran is inhabited.

The black dragon that has been irritated once again ignited hope. "Yes, that's right. The little stupid snake has been reading the book and will definitely go to the Terran's territory. Go."

The black dragon said to leave, when he appeared above the Terran city, everyone's people were scared to shrink. The elders and doorkeepers of the major sects came out to meet.

"I don't know if there is anything happen to the dragons and adults?"

The **** eagle beast is the person around the black dragon. At this time, he naturally answers it.

"Our master lost one..."

When he had not finished speaking, he was interrupted by the black dragon. "There is a soul snake that does not know how to live and die. It steals the precious treasures of the dragon. This treasure can make three sacred objects be repaired. The little thief will steal it. Go. Now that you are among the people of the race, who can catch her, that treasure is also owned by him." Black Dragon said coldly.

At this point, in a corner of the street, a thin young man squats like the others, looking sincere and fearful, but his ears are erected, listening carefully to the conversations of the top people.

After hearing what Black Dragon said, Bei Yu’s heart was very surprised.

The stupid dragon knew that it was a trick, and it was so amazing.

He is afraid that these people will live in vain, not carefully looking for it, deliberately saying that she has stolen valuable sacred objects, and that it is easy to enhance the sacred objects of the human realm. These treasures are deadly appeal to all spiritualists.

With the existence of these sacred objects, the spiritualists of the human race will surely find her.

I have to say stupid dragon, this time it is not stupid.

A Zongmenmen angered and replied: "The people who are not long-eyed dare to steal the dragons here, and I will surely bring the abominable thief to justice."

"Well, Benlong is here waiting for your good news. If you can't find it, hehe." The black dragon finally threatened a cold cry.

The Terran cultivators trembled one by one.

This is really a living king. Seeing him once is like taking a trip at the ghost gate.

The eagle beast distributed all the appearances of the little snake to all the sects. After they saw the people above, they were all surprised.

That person is not the little master of Shenlong Island.

It seems that this little snake is playing with a big hair, completely angering this dragon.

(End of this chapter)

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