Chapter 2624 I am just an egg 59

ghost? !

Bei Yu Yan looked at him with a stern look.

"What ghost?"

The Condor beast looked at her with a contemptuous look. "You don't have to cover it up. We all know it. You are not a small master, you are a ghost. You are a wicked ghost, waiting to be wiped out by us."

Uh! ! !

What happened in the middle of this? Why is she a little aggressive?

When did she become a ghost?

Although she is indeed a ghost, it is her that lives with them from beginning to end.

They want to destroy her, so loudly, she is not afraid of her preparation.

Bei Yuyu looked at the Condor beast somewhat silently. "You are me, there is no ghost. Where did you see that I was encroached by other ghosts?"

"You want to cover me, it's not that easy." The eagle eagle raised his head and said with pride.

The north rain can't help but fight his narcissism. "I want to set your words, and I will let you see it."

The Condor beast scornfully glanced at her. "Because I am smart, I can see your intentions at a glance."

"Oh." North rain 棠hehe he looked, "You are very smart, really smart, smart people who have lived together for so long, no one can come out."

"You are not a small master, why do you want to know you."

"God eagle beast, you idiot. Can you remember how I flicked you to the island at the beginning?" Bei Yuyu directly poked his scar. "How did you not hear you say that you are smart at the beginning. Smart as you, too Will be fooled by me."

"you you you……"

"How can I not see the stupid dragon? Shouldn't he go out and look for ways to deal with me?" Bei Yuyu asked with some surprise.

The Condor beast proudly said: "Yes, that's right. Is it scared?"

The northern rain 棠 finally understood, why she was caught, Cang Yun did not do it to himself, it turned out that the core was changed.

Her brain turned very quickly and immediately thought of a way that would be most beneficial to her.

If she now admits that she is a little snake, she is bound to be tossed and retaliated by the Black Dragon.

Now let them mistakenly think that they are outsiders, just the next step.

"Ming, there is nothing to take my soul away from the body?" Bei Yuyu asked silently in the bottom of his heart.

【will not. The host is bold enough to do it. 】

After getting a positive answer, Bei Yuxi smiled at the Condor beast. "Afraid? I have never been afraid of anything."

"Look at it, I was finally put out by me. I admit that you are a strange ghost." The eagle beast proudly said.

"Acknowledge? What to admit, what are you talking about, how can I not understand."

"You don't want to install it, I have already seen you."

The northern rain smashed and refused to admit it, and insisted that he was a small snake.

The more she is, the more the Condor beast is sure she is not.

Half a month later, Cangyun returned to Shenlong Island. The first thing he came back to was to start experimenting, how to separate her and save the soul of the little snake.

"Adult, can you really do this time?"

The Condor beast looked at the array of methods that had been spent heavily.

"It must be." Cang Yun nodded affirmatively.

The Condor beast still has a hesitant attitude, mainly because he has failed too many times before, so that he has lost confidence.

"Adult, I doubt whether the little snake will have been completely assimilated."

(End of this chapter)

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