Chapter 2647 I am just an egg 82

The Condor beast is busy stopping: "I know that you want to see the dragon, but the dragon is retreating. Wait..."

He interrupted him directly. "There is no time. The rain has been caught. Now only the dragon can save her."

The eagle beast found that the little master did not come back, and his heart was shocked. "Who is so bold and dare to catch the little master."

"It is the red sacred beast."

The eagle beast changed color.

"Now take me to find the dragon, or the rain is dangerous."

"Okay, I will go."

The two rushed to the treasure hole of the treasure, and rushed in without thinking about it.

‘Touch’, ‘Touch’...

Two heavy sounds, two figures were flew out of the cage of the guard hole and fell to the ground.

The Condor beast worried and asked: "Hey, are you okay?"

He shook his head. "I don't know if there is a battle?"

The eagle beast was asked very embarrassed, "know, know."

It’s an idiot to look at him silently.

How can people staying with such a dragon to do things?

"Hurry up and open the array." He urged.

The eagle beast stood still in the same place, and the guilty one did not dare to look at her.

呤呤 呤呤 big, "You will not have no order?"

The Condor beast felt that he had lost his face in front of his sweetheart, his head was very low, and he did not dare to look up at her.


呤呤 呤呤 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

"Hey, what do we do now?" the Condor beast asked cautiously.

"Call it. The dragon can always hear."

The array method cannot be broken, and only the most primitive method can be used.

The two opened their throats and began to shout. They shouted for two hours and there was no reaction in the hole.

"How come there is no reaction at all." You can't do it, mainly because you can't.

"Is our voice too small?"

"Then we will be louder."

The two men raised the volume again and shouted. After half an hour, the two men’s throats began to smoke.

The Shenying beast brought a bowl of water to the front of the court.

I sipped and sipped.

The Condor beast took a sip of water. Suddenly, he overestimated his head and said to him: "I forgot, there is an isolation in the formation."


A cup of tea sprayed directly from the mouth of the cockroach, spraying a face of the eagle beast.

"What do you say!!!" He looked at him.

The eagle beast emptied his neck. "I, I, I... I am wrong."

"You are a pig! What is your brain used to grow up?" He licked his head, and the eagle beast did not dare to move, let her poke.

After an hour, the two still stood outside the hole, and they didn't think of anything.

"You go outside to find a man who is proficient in the formation, let him crack the array."

"it is good."

He just prepared his hand and was dragged.

"You don't want to tell people that it is to crack the array of the dragons and adults. You must tell them that it is the person who needs to be proficient in the array of dragons. Do you understand?"

The Condor can't stop nodding.

After the eagle beast left, there was a sudden sound in his mind.

“How is things going?”

The look is very cold, "it's already on the island."

"Notify the Black Dragon to the Magic Forest, otherwise I will smash her woman."

Waiting for her to explain the situation, the voice disappeared.

(End of this chapter)

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